Princess Whoosh

UK magazines tend to always have these weird dark taglines. You’ve got trash magazines like “Take a Break” with stories like “my son’s ghost raped me” and “husband tried to trick me in to stabbing my baby” (not even being dramatic, I googled those).

If old songs make it in to the UK charts, it’s usually because they’ve been on an advert that has had a “viral” effect. There’s less people in the UK, and pretty much all of them have the same terrestrial channels.

I want to put this post in a frame and hang it on my wall. This is exactly how I feel everytime someone has a mad ragefest about others “being offended” about things.

I agree. The 2001 version is great for chiptune, but that orchestral arrangement just adds so much urgency and drama.

You’re kidding right?

I wish they hadn’t bothered porting it to last gen in the first place. I had a relatively glitch free experience on Xbox 360, did everything in the game, two playthroughs, eagerly anticipating DLC.

I genuinely thought this track was going to destroy my sanity when I first went round the last lap a couple of times.

Aw man, Mr Universe is everything. I legitimately love that show more than anything else on TV.

Recent graduate, still working my part time cinema student job whilst looking for a decent graduate job. I’m selling tickets, and a man is debating whether to go see an animated film.

I would seriously be judging the person who didn't know what the KKK was, even in the UK. It's fairly common knowledge.

For a person so obsessed with being logical, you're like a walking textbook of logical fallacies. Maybe cool off on the ad hominems.

As a Yorkshire girl living in Scotland, I can confirm that mushy peas happen in both Scotland and Yorkshire. Fairly common in both on chipper menus. Although luckily I'm far enough north to avoid "salt and sauce" *shudder*.

It's not paranoia. Paranoia is a delusion that you're personally being persecuted. Very few women believe they are being personally targeted. But some men ARE going to rape women. That is a stone cold fact. It's just a lottery as to who it is.

Can't people know that and still emphatically disagree?

This is exactly how I feel about this game. Whilst I respect the articles putting forward opposing views, they are all wrong and bad and terrible.

I don't know about areas and the safety in whereever this city is... but 4 miles? That's walkable.

I'd be super interested in the breakdown between England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland in the "UK" one.

I can't muster any cares for them. I can't even bring myself to feel that they got what they deserved, because it's not about them at all and it's just too sad.

Just to clarify for some people, it's new content every day, not just new writing. So it might be Pottermore updates, pictures etc as well.

Agreed. I'm not even a scientist of any description, and reading this made me frustrated. If you don't know a thing about the topic at hand, then your opinion doesn't really count for much. I don't even mean that in a nasty way, I'm just sick of bad science reporting.