Bret's Eyepatch

If I’ve never confused you with Bill Paxton, then you, sir, are no Bill Pullman.

A social-distancing birthday party in which nobody wears a mask and everybody hugs is very on-brand for the Goops. All the style, none of the substance.

He also disbanded the White House Pandemic office and replaced it with...nothing. Maybe that was “insufficient” too.

“Why didn’t you build a nursery in the house I bought from you three years before I got pregnant and knew I was going to need a nursery?”

It would be comical if it weren’t so maddening.

Dear white people, you have to help POC, especially black men, in such situations. They may literally get murdered and people will assume they are guilty. Stay, record, be prepared to be a witness and if you can, intervene, but do not call the cops. And same goes for kids. Never ever watch a kid get beaten or

“Olyphant has never been bad in anything.”

Jesus. Please tell me you spoke up and defended the innocent black guy?!

“Oh, it turns out, Obama did leave a plan.”

Oof. That's a long slow death and I'm sorry that's how it went down. These kind of tales are so much more painful than the fire and brimstone breaks. The fading glimmer of hope you carried for so long is palpable in your writing; it makes me wince. Well done, and that sucks.

69 pages!? Who can read this?! We’ll replace it with a one page plan.  Get a sharpie!”

Even if Obama had seen into the future and left behind the perfect plan for dealing with a once in a century pandemic, Trump would still complain because he’s a racist moron that has tried to undo or downplay everything Obama has ever done. And regardless, Trump has had 3 fucking years to draw up his own plans. It

Obama-Biden plan that has been referenced was insufficient,

Henry Cavill suffers from a severe case of what I like to call the Kate Beckinsale Effect. It’s what happens when an actor has phenomenal charisma, character acting skill, or (as in Kate Beckinsale’s case) impeccable comedic timing. But casting directors never see that skill, because the person is just so

This is the movie that convinced me Cavill should be Archer if they ever make a live-action version. It will go down with Master and Commander and Devil in a Blue Dress in my “how is this not a franchise?” Hall of Fame.

Umm. Guys. Between this, Fallout and The Witcher... I think Henry Cavill is pretty entertaining. He doesn’t get enough credit.

This movie made me mad to realize how completely WASTED Cavill was in Man of Steel. He has charm for days when he’s allowed to.

yep. need more FUN, smart and stylish movies out there.

I adore this film. Great action, fun villains and some very cool 1960's production design. Oh and its got this little gem of a scene:

I love this movie. It’s a little unfocused in places if you care about plot mechanics as much as I do, but everything else is golden. Cavill eating a sandwich while Hammer fights for his life is one of my favorite movie scenes of all time.