Bret's Eyepatch

I feel like “well actually”, is reserved for know it all types. He’s kind of a know nothing. He reminds me of this lady at my last job. She was a partner on the design side. She’d ask you a question and then walk off in the middle of you answering. You were so beneath her that she didn’t even have time to formally end

name/user icon checks out.

My gosh, I just love him. Read the whole article. It’s quite delightful! (I love weird guys.)

Click on the link. Look at the pictures.

Honestly, he didn’t look that angry. As in, this felt calculated in a way to further normalize the country into the idea that press conferences will be cancelled or ended abruptly if the president doesn’t like the line of questioning.

My favorite thing from that nutso press conference? OBAMAGATE!

But health officials and most social distancing guidelines have explicitly said that it’s okay to go outside for exercise, as long as you maintain six feet of distance from other people outside. I know not everyone lives in a house with a backyard, but most people probably already have a Vitamin D deficiency from

The mask is to protect other people from you, not the other way around. That’s why everyone has to wear a mask or it accomplishes nothing.

Personally, I’m still really into this show. I can forgive a lot as long as I still get both Merritt Wever and Domhnall Gleeson. But I completely understand most of your criticisms and am enjoying your reviews!

Nope. We all hate it because it’s irrelevant unprofessional and narcissistic.

I remember when people thought things would be OK because Elon musk was going to join his economic advisory board and “keep him in check.” Sometimes I think about that and I laugh.  Oh I laugh and laugh... and at some point the laughing turns to crying

The answer is very simple: stupidity. Anti-intellectualism is rampant in our society and these people vote. 

Did they really use a closing shot of Fauci predicting a pandemic to imply that he started it?

I hate, hate, hate any person’s bio that starts with father, mother, wife, etc. It literally takes no skill or training to be any of those things.

It’s funny to me how people who think they are skeptics are really just anti-establishment. They latch onto anything that isn’t what most people believe.

I think many people are extremely uncomfortable with high impact events whose timing and specific effects come down to random chance. Because of this, they grasp for absolutely anything that will make them feel better by putting logic behind it.

My theory is that a lot of people are scared by the idea that a virus this bad could just come out of nature and that it would only take a couple people bad at their jobs to make it momumentally worse, to them the idea that people are planning the whole thing is comforting. They already know people are evil and that

I honestly think people should be forced to take classes on argumentative rhetoric in high school in college so that you can see a lot of these fallacies from a mile away but here we are.