Not to be a huge downer (which means I’m about to be a downer) but I’m glad they don’t mention what the rumor was.
Not to be a huge downer (which means I’m about to be a downer) but I’m glad they don’t mention what the rumor was.
It’s the same logic that hears about diverse casting and thinks about the poor white actors being denied a job.
I think the best part about that is that RDJ got nominated for that role. As he should have. He might have even won too, except that that was the year that Heath Ledger won for The Dark Knight.
“Catch me if you can” and “Basketball diaries” are good too. I liked him in “Gangs of NY” but it’s gotta be hard to shine with DDL on screen too. I kinda like that he hasn’t won an Oscar. His career basically speaks for itself.
agreed, I will watch Goodfellas again & again but once, just once watching the shitstain that is Dances is enough for me - forever
I’d add Catch Me if You Can to that list.
Whoopi Goldberg’s “Ghost” Oscar was clearly trying to make up for The Color Purple, too.
He should have won for Goodfellas. The fact that he lost to Kevin Costner is something my father still hasn’t recovered from. Goodfellas also should have been best picture - it’s an American classic.
I agree, also in Denzel’s case. Scorsese comes to mind, who should have won for either Taxi Driver, Raging Bull or Goodfellas and not necessarily for The Departed.
That seems to be the Academies M.O.: snub an actor for a brilliant performance, wait a few years, try to rectify the mistake by giving them an Oscar for an ok performance that isn’t the best out of the current nominees, thereby snubbing someone else more deserving, wait a few years, rectify THAT mistake by giving them…
He deserved one for Wolf Of Wall Street. He was playing a loathsome person but it was a phenomenal performance.
You can’t give it two thumbs up or down, because you don’t have thumbs.
No, he deserved an Oscar for both “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape?” and “The Aviator”. If (*coughs*when*coughs*) he wins for the Revenant, I’ll treat this like I treated Denzel Washington’s win for “Training Day”... I’ll pretend he won for one of his better performances (in Denzel’s case, “Malcolm X”).
I don’t get DiCaprio. At all. While he’s by no means a terrible actor, the blowjobs he receives from (mostly male) critics just mystify me. And then there’s the endless profiles insisting this beady-eyed, bloated manchild is hot? PS, Titanic sucked.
Thank you for articulating what I couldn’t. It reminded me of a review I read of “Beasts of the Southern Wild” by Aaron Roxby at “The whole thing has an odor of “poverty tourism” that I couldn’t shake.”
i’m curious about how author chimamanda ngozi adichie would address this incident. she is african and has expressed disdain for those who fetishize africa as poverty porn and seem to only have one story for a whole continent. some commenters here have pointed out that it is patronizing for this hungarian woman to…
So brave. So moving.