
This. Whatever evils that can be attributed (rightly or wrongly) to white people, we have created a culture and lifestyle that very few people do not want to live in and take part of.

You are really being a bitch. Do you think it is easy to get “Journalist” jobs today? How about you treat your readers with more respect? You guys are being assholes. Clearly, some of your reader base are angered, yet you are jut being rude about it... This is why I skip all your articles...

Really? How about some compassion? How would you feel if these people were no longer around and something bad happened to someone you know? Sure, SOME may have anti-social personalities (Most people have stopped labeling those who fall under this category sociopaths, fyi) but even those that do have sympathy training

Elocution lessons used to be big for girls of a certain set. High voices were prized, because they were very feminine and sweet sounding. Laughing and talking was practiced to achieve this, (you’ll see tjis mentioned in older etiquette books). I tend to talk high because of vocal training I took to maintain my

Oh, yeah they do happen to be on those a lot. Thanks for replying, my sister is like those moms and always looking for groups online, so I thought I’d ask. Thanks for replying!

What forum is this? It sounds interesting!

Putin takes his dogs as a way to scare others. They are big and can be viscous as well. I like the humor in your answer better though!

Hmm, well I am not an out there person, i'm quite shy. Plus I would like to be, but am not looking for a relationship. Also, I'm a aromantic sooo.

*Best Comment!

Okay than. FUCK YOU! We, in general prefer to be a bit more polite about things, but hey. If you want it, I am glad to acquiesce your request.

I had something like this! The belly rotated in or out, so there was either a gaping cavity or a big ol' belly. Me and my sister would swap or dolls for that one if we were pregnant (game wise) with our regular barbies. Never used her as the "play" barbie though.

And the province of British Columbia is probably in a lot less debt too! I believe strongly in livable wages, or even well paying wages, especially for the amount of time they are in school, but they are paid to such an extent that it is ridiculous. They provide a great service, yes, but there is no reason for their

That would be in Ontario Canada. They start at $55,000+ and than in 10 years or less can make up to $96,000.

As a Canadian where our teachers are paid in the $80,000+ I can attest that while our students generally do better it is not on the account of the teachers. They whine, they bitch they want pay increases all the damn time (nevermind the fact that most private sector workers have not gotten one in years, and that all

Wow, Congratulations and good luck! I have issues with the fast fashion industry myself, and like more classic pieces that will last a life time. Personal tailors and the like (which if you use sparingly, and splurge on a few pieces a year) tend to be of better quality and style. So yes, personal style made of lasting

In the book overdressed, (which I highly recommend) the author discusses this. In truth, there is very little market for all the crap clothes we give away. Either the clothing is recycled, sent to thrift stores or taken overseas. We as north Americans (I'm Canadian, but also the western world in general could be

Fair enough. In big cities we tend to be a rather diverse pop. but still mostly white (50% or so) But go into the country, or smaller cities and those areas are mostly white, so he does "look Canadian", but again we are diverse, so pretty different across the board (in big cities, and smallerish ones).

What do you think Canadians look like?

The last time I had no makeup on my mother asked me how I hurt my face... Never not wearing makeup.