Can I Have Four Beers

Do you often have to worry about being physically overpowered by a suitor who aggressively comes onto you? I think, perhaps, that this is a little more common among heterosexual women.

DISCLAIMER: You may not agree with what I have to say here. What you read may piss you off. I'm fine with that. In fact, I'm so fine with it that I've decided that I won't even challenge what you reply back with. Why? I'm done arguing about this with people. I've heard your views and the reasoning you use to support

The Dead Hand, one of the creepiest Zelda Enemies, why Nintendo?, it doesn't even fit the art style.

I liked where he drew the line. I mean, sure, toxic little queen, tranny, and cocksucker are TOTALLY fine but he would NEVER say faggot!

LOL you really know nothing about advertising & media.

that's pretty awesome and a bold marketing move. but what really got me were the looped animations of the crowd in the background. very nice touch.

Awesome! Guessing this sort of piece is going to run weekly now? Not that this or Ajin are completely obscure titles, but they're definitely not incredibly well known stateside. So I think it's great to see some of these titles getting some attention on a more mainstream site. Also, an anime was recently announced

Oh Idris, why do you gotta be so great? I can barely stand it. If I were to ever see you and a kitten, I would surely die, JUST DIIIIE.

Ranma one is lol. All the stubble+large breasts.

Someone needs to teach Jaden that Typing Like This Is Super Fucking Annoying.

Ah this again. It takes me back to a day when "surfing the net" meant installing an AOL cd for 36 hours of free internet so I my friends and I could send this gif back an forth to each other and then quickly uninstalling and cancelling before they billed us for the rest of the month. 28.8K muthafuggaz that's how we

ok, dont hate me people but I miss tv funny shows like Ally Mc Beal

For the true 90s kids.

Women grew up with brother and envied them their anatomy.

If nothing else, this is the greatest Batman of all time.

I've seen lots of neat toys the last few days, and some great statues...

And she's EIGHT FUCKING YEARS OLD. I know it's satire but give me a break!

Benedict Cumberbatch does nothing for me, you ladies can have at him.

Um erm hmm I uh...wish the animation to getting into your Titan was faster! Yeah, that!