Can I Have Four Beers

Kim is definitely blameless, yes. And Amber honestly prob never should've started it but she's got money to make sooo... But the reason I'm commenting is I actually don't think Amber is slut-shaming. She is only pointing out the absurdity of Kanye calling Amber dirty (essentially) when Kim and her are really so very

I don't think Amber's doing that I think she's calling out how ridiculous it is that he would come at her for what she's done when it's very out in the open that Kim hasn't had the cleanest past herself. Maybe I'm wrong but that's how I'm seeing this.

No sympathy here. I have awful animal cruelty forced on me at least once every other week. Social workers, cops, paramedics, and oh yeah, innocent children have horrific shit forced on them daily. If they have to deal with it, so do the rest of us. We OWE IT to the victims, living and dead, to realize that this shit

...yeah no,there are so many other reasons folks don't like Iggy.

People do not hate Iggy Azalea. People hate the fact that the "music" she makes and are forced to hear if they dare turn on the radio makes their ears throw up.

That is not why people hate Iggy Azalea.

Oh, get real. In no universe is telling someone to fuck themselves and then writing 'Fat girls shouldn't talk' just a... I don't even know. You had some absolutely batshit theory about a group of thin girls who ironically call themselves fat and whom he knows and thought he was replying to (twice) who had written to

I think it's really interesting that you keep saying his has been "blasted all over Jezebel" when you're the one leaving the majority of long comments about the story. It's been posted once. It's not a long-form op-ed piece, it just reports something that happened to someone and pretty much leaves it at that. "Jezebel

Yeah, I get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner and sleep..."for attention".

He goes by UgandaPizzaPolice on youtube now. GODBLESSADOLFHITLER was deleted apparently. I've reported his account. What he is spewing is disgusting.

Misogynists marry women all the time. It means absolutely nothing about their actual feelings towards a person they are supposed to love or care about.

It's a gaming and culture blog, bro.

I'm "a bit" off put instantly from the 5 year old girl going around doing what she does in a bathing suit, or to put it another way: a 5 year old girl wearing less than 18-20 year olds doing the same thing.

The lack of "Bad: little girls in oversexualized costumes" is, um, striking.

Can't stop thinking it sounds like Trey from South Park!!

Why does this keep happening? Do they think that if they keep doing it it'll eventually become less racist?

Pretty soon one of them is gonna pop out a honest-to-God superhero, just watch. Chernobyl, their vodka (WAY stronger) and hearty genetics = FLYING DUDE!!

*yawn* I just find it sooo cute that big butts are only in because WW like them now. Black and Latina women have had them for ages and used to get criticized for it. But now that White women try their damnedest to get them, big butts are now officially awesome?

It's funny how this article is all about how this stuff affects peoples' body image, then the top comment is all about how physical beauty is something to be celebrated.