Princess Harden Up

Genius. Alright internet, don’t fail me now. I know someone is going to come along and post these pics with photoshopped NAMBLA logos on the signs Trump is holding. If I knew photoshop I’d do it myself. I’m waiting...

I talked to someone who’s a Trump supporter (she described him as “making a lot of sense”). I pointed out that he is dishonest, a bully, brings out the worst in people, demonize entire groups, and basically rallies support by turning one group against another.

My (inner) response to when my dad says, “If we can get Trump in the whitehouse,”:


You know, a lot of people— real smart people, believe me, smart, the smartest, are saying that Donald J. Trump won’t release his tax returns because they’ll reveal that he has donated money, a lot of money, millions of dollars, maybe, $10— $12 million, to NAMBLA. Now I personally don’t know if he did, maybe he did,