
The more shocking outcome is him getting a bigger payout than Cueto. Davis probably doesn’t deserve more than 120-130 on 5-6 year deal.

Chris Davis, 7/150...

an old Argentinean off the bench

Fat Mike!

Price ex-teammates think a city he likes, the NL, being able to hit will be among factors more important than the last sdlfkl;sdfkl;s,ldm,.cvxmdjfl;dfcl;c,x./xcvmm,sdl;fjkxcl;m.,cvmsdl;fjeopksl;vms,./vmasdfkll;sdfkl;,cvx./,vl;sdf.


It’s a conspiracy.

“Imagine what it would be like to be excellent at something your whole life then, right when you can finally become a professional at it, you’re forced into plying your trade for a farcical experiment that is not only ceaselessly cynical but whose entire purpose runs counter to the idea of playing a game: to fuck once

Wasn’t that a Donald Trump go-to line in the 1970s and 80s?

“Videos can be old, filled with hundreds of thousands of Muslims celebrating 9/11 in New Jersey.”

young, talented quarterback

Young Joc Strap

“Oooh, an email!” he says as the notification bell sounds.

I didn’t know Pete Carroll kinjaed.

Ken Whisenhunt fired. A bit of a surprise, but not a huge one: He’s lost 31 of his last 35 games as head coach.

Ben Carson?

Tronald Dump is wondering the same exact thing.

Best mall in the country!

421 The snake is pretty sweet ass road.