
bambaataa was allegedly 23 at the time of abuse. victim was 15. i understand 8 years is significant, both in the eyes of the law, and developmentally speaking. But from the facts available at this point (very few of which are referenced above), it does not seem there any force or coercion was used. i am not arguing

haha i dont think it’s weight watchers who is programming people to distingish between fat and not-fat people. that is the entirety of society. their business model is based on the fact that so many people try to lose weight on their own, and are unsuccessful. it’s hard for me to be offended about WW. the people that

regardless of what the average person thinks is “reasonable” for personal use, that is NOT the way the law works. state statutes guide this. in alabama, anyone in possession (whether constructive or actual) of more than 2.2 lbs. of weed is automatically charged with trafficking, regardless of intent to sell.

You have not done your research. To say it’s personal use is not only stupid, but it’s also a legal impossibility. Alabama law, by statute, says anyone in possession of more than 2.2 lbs. of weed is automatically charged with trafficking.