
Agreed! She looks coked out in a lot of pictures - or something that's making her wide eyed with huge pupils. Shes probably doing those amphetamine crazy diet pills AND coke AND weed. And Botox.

I think she’s moved towards “strobing”. The way I understand it is that they use illuminating makeup to mimic where the light hits the planes of your face. It’s a move away from contouring, in that you’re not creating depth.

Just an FYI—I’ve realized that I don’t ask people to hang out as much as I could because I’m just really insecure with people until I know them well. I’m also pretty busy. So basically it takes me awhile to get comfortable enough with people to where it occurs to me to take the first step in planning things. I realize

I read Chelsea’s comment to imply that her mom presents one face to the world - extremely friendly, fun, liberal, generous, kind, etc. - but isn’t that way at home with her children, or at least as a mom to Chelsea. That’s common in families and with celebrities.

Chocolate MILFS kid for class president!

In “Packing for Mars” Mary Roach interviews a NASA scientist who makes a pretty convincing case for an all black crew for a Mars mission. Black astronauts tend to lose less bone density in space (it’s been awhile since I read it but it was something related to osteoporosis) and would fare better in recuperation after

I know, it actually is good.

It’s probably a little PTSD from all of the Halloween stores around right now.

what he was saying really reminded me of a kid I knew who went insane from doing too many drugs and he went to speedway and poured sugar and coffee all over himself and THEN went to big boy ahirtless and was painting his body with nail polish and handing out flowers to people.

yeah that’s why I dated men in their fifties when I was in high school

Counterpoint: Instead of just reading through (Erin’s step 6)

Couch to 5K really is great!

You guys do realize that he didn’t have a choice with his job, right? I work for NYC DOH and I’m very sad that I didn’t get him to help me. Trust me... if you knew some of the crazy that went on here, he’s the least of their problems.

I have the fleece-lined kind. They are legit. Plus they still look cute as hell with skinny pants. Worth every damn penny.

As far as I’m concerned this is superior customer service.

i mean come on. there are fans. because this man is fucking beautiful and rocks the man bun like its his job. stop hating.

We do paycheck deductions at work for charities we specify. If you give enough ($75, I think), the company matches. PP and a local fund for abortions for women in need are my choices. And my company matches my donations. HA HA HA HAHA! Corporate sponsored abortions!