
Just repost it when you get a chance to use a desktop.

“My bad behavior is some woman’s fault.”

They are all someone’s daughter.

starred, but also

true facts!

How does one call primarily black protesters black slime, then act like their disdain or distrust of police officers is unfounded? I...I can’t. I... I’m lost. I...I’m shutting down for the day.


Saying that black kids in your school got in trouble more because they misbehaved more is, of itself, a contentless claim. What is your proof that they misbehaved more? That they got in trouble more? This is begging the question and assumes a necessary causal relationship when there isn’t one. If you had some

I’m a teacher in Australia. One of my placements was a school with a high proportion of students from backgrounds of entrenched poverty, chaotic and dysfunctional families and endemic poor health and substance abuse. They had multiple behavioural and educational issues.

a “mixed black/white school”? Lord in heavens, have they integrated the drinking fountains where you are too?!

Hey as long as we know its the “black kids.” You do realize you pretty much just summed up racism right there.

Yes, KarlParx you are a racist, but you won’t see it, because you wrote everything you just wrote and you never saw it.

Yeah, sometimes I beat up children because I had a bad day too. (That wasn’t a sane argument)

I went to a school that was mostly black kids. And black kids didn’t act out fact, white kids did more vandalism and damage (stuffing sodium into baby shoes and flushing them for one) to the school, but they never got in trouble for it. Hell, our entire volleyball team got busted for underage drinking, and

So, a cop can have a bad day and beat the shit out of a young girl, and we’re supposed to give him a pass, but a young girl doesn’t pay attention in math class and stays seated, and she’s a damned villain who deserves a beat down? Damn, you’re an asshole.

Translation from Common Internet Asshole to English: “Please stop talking about uncomfortable truths forever so that I can pretend they don’t exist. Thanks.”

I’v taught for almost 20 years and I’ve never had a kid take a swing. You know why? I learned how to de-escalate a situation and let the kid save face. I learned when to not push kids on issues. I’ve learned when to let small infractions slide. I learned these things because I can never use force. It’s a shame police

They need to be replaced by armed private security who have no authority except to stop an armed maniac. Police in schools have nothing to do, so they end up criminalizing behavior that would have been handled easily by the schools in past decades.

well, he didn’t shoot her. That’s a plus.