
Sounds too familiar...

LMAO crusty knock-off I love it!! Back when I lived in Philly a group of black trans women got on the train and this group of white girls who were spread about 4 seats all huddled together and one of them made a big show of clutching her purse. And one of the women yelled “Bitch don’t nobody want ya’ Michael Kors from

Crimes in public are strictly a white privilege.

In my day, we smashed watermelons when we wanted comedy.

I have two major takeaways from this:

This demonstrates the long lasting legal and social decay that is a result of a cynical, racist Republican president. We are still paying for Nixon’s evil (plus what has been piled on by every subsequent president for their own purposes) and it is irreversible.

But obviously the US doesn’t have an institutionalized racism problem. That’s just propaganda of the pot smoking hippies on the left.

Racism was part of the drug war since the beginning. Billie Holiday was basically stalked by the founder of the drug war.

Almost like the drug war was invented to replace Jim Crow.

Take Mary Jane off the Schedule I list and watch crime fall like leaves in October.

I hate when I tell people my husband and I don’t want kids and their automatic response is “you never know what will happen.”

How about the fact that you’re probably seen as a hero for being a dad who is being a dad and involved in his kids life. A woman who is a single mother would be seen as a drain on society who drove her man away (or made the mistake of reproducing with a bad man to begin with).

It’s very likely that you get paid more for equal work than your non white and female peers, for example.

What really got me about that line is that I feel like women get SO much more criticism for just wanting the things they want. If a woman doesn’t want to have kids, she’s selfish. If a man doesn’t want kids, he’s not ready. If a woman doesn’t like anyone she’s dating, she’s too picky (or if you don’t like who she’s

People who a)Brag about their marriages and b)Try to convince other people to get married are generally not happy people. Maybe she’s secretly embarrassed that she married for money, cares what you think, and is trying to justify her choices to you?

Also, as a dude who is turning 29 this year, what the heck is with the stupid stereotype that women above 30 aren’t attractive. I feel like, my sense of what is an attractive woman is changing as I get older, and there are so many obviously beautiful women in their 30s, it’s insane to say that a woman over 30 wouldn’t

Stand up right now if you wanted to be treated the way black people are in this country.

I think “All Lives Matter” responses are, much like #NotAllMen, a way of whining “But What About Meeeeeee???!!” Horrors, the current conversation is not focused on your needs, O Normative White (male) person. Nobody is going to take away your rights. We are not going to go to the Civil Rights Bank and withdraw some

Because “All Lives Matter” really means “I don’t get the point of “Black Lives Matter” and I’m a racist dick about it”

Because white people are doing fine yah dumb fuck