If the goal is to shut down black support for Biden, pulling Obama off the sidelines is a spectacularly stupid way to go about it.
If the goal is to shut down black support for Biden, pulling Obama off the sidelines is a spectacularly stupid way to go about it.
“Why should I try to be a better person when the most downtrodden and underprivileged individuals in our society are just as mean-spirited and bigoted as those that oppress them?”
What KKKyle is saying is “Why should I stop raping when the rape victim is just going to call me a rapist to my face? It hurts my feelings.…
Babaeleon, a Becky/racist troll with frequent flyer miles around these comment sections, got featured in a clapback. Somebody’s coming up in the world!
“They contend that “wypipo” or “Mayonaissian” is as offensive as the n-word.”
People make time even when they dont have it because the natural hair community highlights looser curl patterns and normalizes what natural hair “should” look like; ‘baby hair’ included.
If you think anyone who curates their image as meticulously as this woman does doesn’t know what her lawyers are doing in this instance you’re as gullible as the people who believe that nonsense about having no internet on her phone. Either that or you have some reason to really want to believe this chick. But I’ll…
Somebody wrote a blog post about it and her lawyers took time to write a rather constitution-ignoring (according to the ACLU) cease and desist letter to the author about it. There is no way the lawyers are acting without permission of their client. This woman sues for the smallest mention of her name in an…
“.. Jeremy O. Harris’s slave play, a farcical consideration of the horrors of slavery and its effects on contemporary relationships”. Oh please, same ole same ole! It’s the usual sellout hustle by too many of our supposed artists/playwrights or whatever. This horse shit is aimed straight at the polite but still racist…
Listen Jeremy, and this is coming from the entire Black community, fuck you.
Haven’t finished reading yet but this gave me pause
If someone I might be doing business with is giving Trump $100k for a second term, I want to know.
But my dude, you call yourself Jase. Like, marinate on that. But, no, seriously, jealousy is a helluva a drug.
Chill, child.
Former President Doesn’t Get It; Wet Behind The Ears Child Blogger Gets Everything
White people love thinking of themselves as individuals, not as members of a racial group. They absolutely despise being lumped in with the rest of their people.
Have you seen this video of Titus literally singing Ursula??? I vote for him.
I don’t think this is right. From what I’ve read of the root, it’s actually the opposite. It seems to me like it has to do with what people have publicly claimed and identified with, and writers at the Root seem to respect that and take it seriously. Barrack Obama has identified as black. And he is viewed and treated…
Jesus dude - I’m a white guy here and I think Idris Elba would be AMAZING as Bond. I also have never bothered to think about the racial history of The Rock, nor have I ever really thought of him as “black”. As has been stated its never been a part of the identity he portrays. He just as easily could be half Samoan and…
nah, banks take the L on this one