Princess Buttercup

I finally bought the blue lip whip over at beauty bakery (Vitamin Sea), and it feels too bold for me. Like it just makes me insecure, does my face look yellow? are my lips really small? are my lips a weird shape? I wearing it around the house tonight just to see if I can feel more comfortable in it.

It’s a boy!!! Name to be determined, but he is the cutest, most cuddly, most ridiculously adorable shitten in the whole world!! Newly adopted, and fully adored.

I made paw print cake decorations for a friend’s daughter’s birthday. Normally I decorate the cake directly, so this was a bit out of my comfort zone.

Catalina should be coming home on or around the 10th - just one more weekend to go!! This week she had a bunch of testing done to see what she will need for home care. So far we know she will need her CPAP for at least 2-3 months and she doesn’t need a g-tube for her feeds (we’re still working on downing the whole

I love that little beaver! It’s so cute.

Beauty thread

So, I ended up confronting my ‘best friend’ about blowing me off with bullshit excuses so she could hang out with someone else and seriously, this is the line she hit me with

I love that pie-pie! So cute! I have been painting a lot lately but also got motivated to do some stitching. The weather is finally changing a bit here in Arizona and that usually gets me inspired. I finished the stitching but have to frame it up then I’ll put it in my Etsy shop-

In general, jinni has an enormous guilt complex, and worries about every last thing. No anxiety is too big or too small! She can stay up nights concerned about inadvertently hurting someone’s feelings, etc.

Awwwww widdle piggies.

I painted letters to hang over my daughter’s crib when she comes in a few weeks. I’ve never painted before and I can’t draw for shit, so I am supremely happy with how they came out. I’m now working on painting a hanging storage thing to match. :)

Panda Nanny is also a job I did not know existed.

Antiope in her favorite feather boa.

Amyyyyy and Willllooowwwww!

I really liked my Sephora box this month. The Benefit Gimme Brow looked great and the lipstick was fun, albeit not so practical for every day. I’m looking forward to trying out the Youth Preserve cream tonight.

Amy and Willow giving me a “watchu eating?” look.

Work is crazy, but I’m dealing. My union reps are raising hell with the executive director of our facility regarding both my caseload and the pressure I received regarding my vacation next month. I’m not sure what the plan is at this point but they’re working on something to get my caseload reduced to a more workable

We brought this lovely cross-eyed kitty home from the rescue place two weeks ago! She’s in a bitey mood (only 3 mos old, what can you do) but sometimes is sweet and takes cute pics.

Longtime lurker, first time poster (ahhh!) which means it’s likely no one will see this, but I really need to vent abt my life situation right now. My husband has been unemployed since April (we got married in May) and I’m starting to lose it. He’s been doing some intermittent temp gigs and has taken some interviews

Now playing

As some may know from previous posts my mum has been battling cancer for the last 20 years, breast cancer twice and then told last year it was terminal cancer and had spread to her bones. Sadly last week she passed away at the age of 70 whilst I was on holiday in Canada. She’d been a life long Frank Sinatra fan since