Princess Buttercup

I finished this mermaid tail cocoon for my friend’s baby this week. I wish I had blocked the tail because it would have given it a more fanned out look but she loved it regardless. The baby’s nursery is themed for “under the sea” so I figured it was appropriate.

Today has been all about my Stormy Seas blanket! I finished connecting the bottom and, as of this pic, had 96 hexagons to go.

Newly unemployed, so I’ve been busy, Keeps me off of the streets. :)

Heyyyy Jezzies - Craft Thread!

Guess who is now the owner of this window and the world’s largest house key?

Santino. Just go to Red Lobster with Tim and Andre and I guarantee your body will detox or whatever the fuck

So, this is my industry, and I am (among other things) an actor of color, and let me tell you something. I know how money works (for the most part), I GET that one of the worst problems with Broadway is capitalism. But when I saw this picture, it was at the exact same time that I learned that Oak was replacing Groban,

I’m 33 and haven’t left the country (other than a grade school trip to Montreal). Everyone around me gushes about how important it is to travel and be a worldly person, but I haven’t seen shit. I live in a cramped apartment and can’t fathom how people buy houses. I don’t do jack shit on weekends other than lay in bed

She said sex in the middle of a fight, not in the middle of a flight. God, Bobby! Pay attention! And quit making me click on articles about Kendra Whatserson!

a “banana sandwich with tabasco sauce,” 

This may be too late to be seen but I’m back from my Outlander tour of Scotland!

I really don’t think Beyoncé and jayz care about Aaron. That Is A LIE!

Happy three months, Catalina!

I celebrated my 37th birthday Wednsday. I feel about the same as I did at 36 but I got an early gift of infection. Being sick sucks, being sick during your birthday is double sucky.

Sheela the Irish Wolfhound loves grass and sun

Ah, so much better than Trump’s ass.

I have been MIA just working on curriculum for next year’s schooling. Grade 4 was a big undertaking. It’s done now so I can resume life. While I was away, I got a kitten. Her name is Debbie Ann Pritchard. I’ve also been running around gathering supplies for evacuated pets from all

Is no one going to discuss that photoshopped taut belly?


Anybody else been staring at Bey’s belly button for far too long?

I imagine her reading this and being like “ that’s why he slapped that sandwich out of my hand and drove me to taco bell...”