Princess Buttercup

Perfect excuse to post my brand new purple hair

I like to imagine with a face that pretty, his voice is identical to that of Gilbert Gottfried and his sexy times are the things nightmares are made of.

...did someone legit suggest that Jaden Smith is on the same level of famous/talented as Will Smith...?

YES OMG I AM THE QUEEN OF CREAM SHADOWS. Also I have sensitive eye skin which some things (UD primer, UD shadows, MUFE Aqua Creams) irritate, which makes my eyes water, which ruins the makeup. ALSO I have oily skin. So : very picky about What’s Good.

I became a citizen recently. While we were waiting for the ceremony to start some citizens-to-be around me started talking to each other and many named the November election as the reason they finally applied to get their citizenship. We were handed out voter registration cards and people seemed very eager to take

That is insane and disgusting. I also have been dreaming of losing teeth lately.

I used a holo powder for the first time. They recommend using a gel top coat, but I’m not investing in a uv lamp for something I’ve never tried and may not like (plus, I won’t be getting into gel polishes otherwise). So I used a hack I’ve seen on YouTube and I think it came out ok. It didn’t want to stick around the

Beauty thread

HThe irony is that there are plenty of women who would be into a dude with money regardless of what he looks like. McClure is either too lazy to find them or he gets off on foisting himself on unsuspecting women. (My guess is the latter.)

Or Puppy McPuppymill

At least one one broke a leg yet.

I’m making origami narwhals for the favors at my wedding. I have 2 weeks to make 55 of these suckers. Almost half done!


Hi!! My current crochet blanket project... thats taking forever to finish. I only have one more blue/red panel then the white panel... then threading the blanket to give it a plaid look... overall a lot with only minimal motivation to finish. Mostly because its going to be a xmas gift so no need to rush.

I’m a dollhouse junkie, and I have mad love for Goodwill/Re-store junking. This week, I happened across the find of a lifetime. A gigantic Tudor dollhouse at Goodwill for $20!!! It’s in pretty good shape, but needs some updating, so now I have an awesome teeny-tiny house renovation project!!! I started on exterior

I got my new bike! This is probably the most expensive thing I’ve ever bought myself and probably shouldn’t have spent that much but I ride a lot and needed a bike that fits me as I’m slightly larger than average with super long legs. I can’t ride it because I broke my hand during the test drive but In a couple of

Hogwarts crest update. Slow going as usual, thanks to mini Ooki never wanting to sleep at reasonable hours.

I’ve not been on sns for aaages! Cunt cake made me snort! I went on a stained glass panel course last week, here are my creations. It was so fun - I’m thinking of signing up for another to hone my skills.

Nothing fancy, but it’s taking waaaayy more yarn than I planned and I had to wait until my day off to get back to the fabric store to buy more. I’m making a pom pom rug for Lucy because I feel bad she’s an indoor kitty. I wanted to make a little simulated patch of grass, but she seems to like the backing more than

Craft Thread!