Princess Buttercup

Why would Ariel Winter need a PA? To help take her bikini Instagrams?

The dick can reach further when the cheeks are 100% out of the way!

I don’t want to take anything away from any of these kids…

our rescue, bellamy, is really skittish around bigger dogs. he’s blind in one eye and has a bunch of miscellaneous scars, so i think he was probably beat up by other dogs when he was still on the streets :( he’s the. biggest mush, so he was probably the kid who got his lunch money stolen by all the bullies.

Penny is no more - her name is now Willow, because Amy was answering to Penny too. This first week of having another dog has been very interesting, as we’re getting to know her and she’s getting to know us (and our vet, who after Willow and Amy’s joint appointment is now in possession of my 2 arms and 3/4 of a leg).

Smoke some weed & chill out?

It anagrams to Canine Daze, which makes sense considering his father is a stoned Labrador.

I watermarbled!

Finished this earlier this week:

Craft Thread!

What a beauty! Pretty Penny :)

So... I did something today.

I finished this project that I started in my tole painting class. I promised to give it to my friend, but now am having a hard time giving up, and so am going to paint another for myself.

Heyyy Jezzies! Craft Thread!

45 going on 46 here and perpetually single. I’ve embraced it with the thought that some day I’ll meet someone. But now I’m thinking that just may never happen. I’m content (mostly) have friends, career, a great dog and lots of travel but I sometimes bum out that I’ve never met “the one.” Any love stories out there

It’s my 35th birthday tomorrow. That looks weird to even type. Halfway through the 30s already. Wtf. My older daughter will be 8 in a few weeks. Wtf. TIME. You crazy son of a gun.

I had a glorious pizza today. Goat sausage, fiddleheads, grana padano, apricots, spruce tips, spinach apple pesto. NOM. What you eating?

Me irl right now.

Dear Universe, were I bequeathed of such a fortune as the Hiltons possess, I promise I will make better use of it. I will do a little happy dance simply for being able to pay all of my bills, each month. I will give much of it away. I will sip coffee in bed feeling peace, gratitude, and thankfulness. I will tend my