Princess Buttercup

Hello all. I wanted to thank everybody again for being so nice to my daughter Catalina and I - she’s three weeks old today and still fighting the good fight.

The shawl is finished!

Some more pics:

FOUND!!! A few weeks ago I had posted about my cat Moxie who had been trapped and dumped by one of my neighbors. After hours and hours and hours of searching through brush and muddy fields I found her. She was at a farmyard that we had searched twice before but I guess she wasn’t ready to come out of hiding.

A few finals pics of the trip I took to Turkey/Morocco:

Do paper crafts that require very little effort count? I made a Sharpies “planter” as a Teacher’s Appreciation present for my younger daughter’s teacher. The little black sign should read “thanks for helping with the poop explosions” but it wouldn’t sit well.

Baby got ear tubes on Monday. Hopefully her communication will pick up now.

Craft Thread!

I just finished my second shark blanket this week!!

I finished Kidlet’s cross stitch! It’s the first completed project I’ve done in years, and it’s really got me fired up to do more. Here it is, from April’s Rag Tag box:

I gave birth last Saturday, when I was only 25 weeks along, because my high blood pressure turned into preeclampsia and then HELLP syndrome in a matter of days. Original plan was to keep me at the hospital for as many weeks as possible before delivery, but my labs turned bad and then worse and doctors think I would

Beauty thread! Also Fashion thread.

Pendulums, pendulums...seems to be the theme this week. I need to get back to making some malas, but I keep getting distracted!

I eloped yesterday! It was small and quick as hell and awesome.

I finished my thing finally. It was supposed to be a fairly quick project to take a break from my bigger one, but my toddler is being a little butt about going to bed so I haven’t had any time to work on it.

The Instant Pot box makes a good baby walker. But now baby is walking independently, so now the IP is only useful for quick and easy foods I GUESS.

Craft Thread!

My heart bleeds for you that you have to settle for Coach and Michael Kors like us peasants.

Happy Saturday Jezzies! 4 days left on the countdown to Paris! I am excited and nervous.

Sooooo, MsCoffee and I met up! Shes pretty amazing, and im a doofus (but hopefully a charming doofus!) so we shall see....