Princess Buttercup

Spent entirely too long trying to figure out how I never noticed that Paul Hollywood had one tiny T-Rex arm.

Even the bears there are inappropriate

these photos are infuriating.

i cant help but think this is the reality that the mothers of teenage smurf boys have to deal with on a daily basis.

This infinite scrolling thing is nonsense. Before I can even push “load more” it shoots me down three articles. Fusion or whoever owns the website now needs to learn from Gawker’s mistakes and not roll out kinja updates without properly vetting them.

When you realize Omarosa found someone who is OK with being married to her, but you haven’t made it past a first date in almost 3 years.

I made my nails look like chocolate bars.

A couple of weeks ago I posted silver nails, but I figured out how to do rose gold-ish. Here they are! Shabby sweatshirt and all:

Beauty Thread! Also movie thread since I don’t feel like making two threads.

David Schwimmer and his wife Zoe Buckman are on a break.

We’re one of the top states in the country for resettling refugees. Hire them. No neck beards need apply.

Facebook is building an office is Sarpy county and the Lincoln Star Journal just did their first article on Tiny Houses. STOP FOLLOWING ME HIPSTER DUDE-BROS.

I haven’t seen this movie in a long time, but I have find it weird that no one can say the word bisexual in talking about it. It seems clear to me that Amy is supposed to be bi, or perhaps a lesbian who has had sex with men/had sex with Ben Affleck for whatever reason, but this movie always reminds me how bad we are

Obligatory baby. Baby has ear infection again. Gonna go see ENT. Probably needs tubes.

Craft Thread!

Beauty thread

I like to imagine Huma as Ann and Hillary as Leslie Knope in this situation. Anthony Weiner is like Chris, but a pervert. Hillary calls Huma up like, “Ann you sweet, beautiful dummy, you can’t get back together with Chris! Remember he dumped you, and he sexted a 15 year old. And he ruined our beautiful dream of

I’m celebrating because The Los Angeles Library Store is now carrying my postcards! They asked if I could supply them and after some frantic scrambling around (I only sell on Etsy, and have not sold in the “real world” yet), I got them printed and got them shipped and I’m so proud of myself!