Princess Buttercup

Sorry, off-topic, but happy Nowruz and happy Spring, everyone!

This!!!! EVERY TIME I’ve tried to shop in stores or online lately, I am inundated by these fucking off the shoulder garments, and I’m shopping at PLUS SIZE RETAILERS. Like, whoooo theeee fuck in a 22/24 or 3X is going to look cute in some shit that requires an invisible bra? My titties are 42DDD. I need straps, y’all.

Celebration dance! I’m ~so~ excited with how my t-shirts turned out and I was thinking that I’d really love to send free one to a lawyer or legal assistant at ACLU...I figure she must be living the “Girl, Hold My Earrings” life pretty much every day now. It seemed like it might be a nice way to say thank you.


Craft Thread!

What’s really weird about that is that he doesn’t even need it; there’s at least three inches of the narrow half sticking through the loop. What’s even weirder is that he doesn’t know how to roll the tape inside out so he could stick it to the back of the narrow part instead if he simply must use tape.

I may or may or may not have also bought elf costumes for my sister’s two dogs, my parents’ two dogs, and my niece...

I actually made a few new malas today. Rainy days are great!

I made a bag !

Looks great! Love the gold accents.

Today was the day! I went to pick up my pottery, and I can’t believe how well most of it turned out! I plan to give at least some of this as gifts, so I didn’t tell my family or most of my friends that I was taking the class. My mom’s birthday is in a couple weeks, I’m thinking I’ll give her one of the bowls and then

Wooo SNS! I was starting to get a little worried.

The only moral abortion is my abortion. The only time I do not insult Obamacare is when my insurance is cut. The only time I promote gay rights is when my child comes out to me.

I wanted something for above my bed so I did a free paint - no sketching, no plan, nothing to look at, just see where it takes me. I like the outcome

Made pants! Pretty cool, pretty decently fitting black skinny jeans! Not going to lie, fairly impressed with myself now.

I made progress on my duckies, while singing yarny ducky, you’re the one, I wouldn’t take you in the bath because that wouldn’t be much fun! I’m an adult, I swear! I actually have a second duckling body made, but I misread the directions and added an extra row before the increase for the head, so the neck looks more

Beauty thread.

Been doing a metallic painting of the princesses from My Little Pony. All my pony art is going in BABSCON’s charity auction in April before I move.

Craft Thread!

After 10 years, I finished paying off my student loans today! *High fives all around*