scientific nature of the whammy

Thank you! I’ve worked in social work for close to a decade now, and this is hands down the best organization of which I’ve ever been a part. I’m hoping to stay here for quite some time.

A few months ago I started a job at the National Domestic Violence Hotline, and lod, I can’t even tell you the sense of hopelessness callers express outright despair over the resources their abusive partners have in comparison to their own (95% of these particular callers are women, and most of them had been convinced

This comment section is likely to be full of women reminiscing about friend-break-ups that were sudden, the ones that withered slowly and quietly, and the ones with all sorts of drama in between.


Let’s be clear about something, because a few of your dizzy-ass trolls seem to have coveniently missed that he gave himself away at the end.

What’s so great is he’s going after survivors of school victims and a group within the US who suffer from the highest rates of suicide, often due to rejection from their communities. He said about a bunch of kids just going about their school day “YOU didn’t get shot” before whining that HIS life is ruined. I mean.


The thing is...victims probably want the charges dropped because they know that the abuser won’t serve much or any time for that act but will definitely come back angry and blame the victim.

Moon landing was LUNAR, not LOONEY

I think I need more of an explanation than 31 yr old man dies of massive heart attack on bus to believe that this is just a regular death.

There is a long history of both Chinese and Japanese folks treating citizens of Korean descent in their countries like crap.

I need the NAACP to set up a Mental Health Check Up Team that black folks can call when they have family/friends who are in need of help, not shot to death.

I would argue that the fallout within the country was a shitshow but what do I know?

But! Most of these people have excellent reasons for not voting, and while their responses vary, what it boils down to is a pretty simple two-pronged issue—the people who operate in and around American politics are either 1) not doing nearly enough to convince voters that participating in national or statewide

Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.

The fact that you read this as an attack on white women rather than on the men who use them as political pawns when they die tragically is pretty telling.

When I was 23, I traveled for the first time to Seattle with my mom, dad and 17 year old sister. We went to check out the university and do some generic sightseeing. This was back in the dark ages of AOL and dial up, so my mom used AAA to find and book a hotel in a rather random industrial neighborhood. I think she

In my early twenties, I had a job in the national security bureaucracy where we dealt with a bunch of classified stuff, which meant that there was no ability to work remotely. For the year+ that I did the job, I generally got to the office early in the morning and left around midnight, six or seven days a week. It was

In the summer of 2008, my now husband Adam and I got engaged. Our relationship had been a bit of a whirlwind and in the week following our engagement, we went on a mini break with his extended family, who had come over from the States to the UK to stay in a big Air BnB type property; a period farmhouse in the