Prince O'Wales

Is it just me or has he gotten fatter? I hope so because that means we're that closer to a being saved by a well timed heart attack

He was on Tucker Carlson this week (I work swings and it was on). Holy shit it was pathetic seeing those two losers cry over JK Rowling.

I came across that on reddit sometime ago. "(conservative candidate) would have won if it wasn't for the urban areas." Yeah those areas with 2/3rds of the population don't deserve to have their vote counted because some of them may be *blaaaaaack*

Hey Trump only won Michigan by 10k votes and all of Devos's referendums were voted down in Michigan. Her husband ran for office when I was high school and lost. THIS ISN'T OUR FAULT

The 70 year old obese man with the terrible diet is not gonna get through the presidency well

That's unfair. He consistently hates Tiffany as much as he consistently wants to bang Ivanka

Rosie warned us. SHE WARNED US

Fuck Trump

No longer in Michigan. My days of duty free liquor and Windsor shenanigans are over

Good Job, Internet!

Why is he verified?

I'm from Detroit. Knew I should have swam over when I had to chance.

نگاران نباشِد اقا! رِِاییس جمهور ترامپ بهترِن راییس جمهور در دنیاست! اگر شما تروریست نباشید، شما می توانید به امریکا بر گردید.

IT was pretty hard to read too. Took me a bit to realize they were spelling his name due to guys on the floor blending in

Traditional american

I mean, they're no Nickleback

Some asshole put all 10 tv's in my office space to FOX so I would see it if I looked up. I'm glad I'm not working tomorrow because I think even having the inauguration on anywhere around me is too much to bear. talking to my collegues and we lamenting how it's truely the end of an era

I'd agree but Pence at least know diplomacy and can act like someone in that position should act. He's gonna have some decorum and not cry on twitter when someone says somethign mean

not really. It' jsut his wardrobe really isn't fresh or different. I used to see all the men at my inner city Detroit church wear the same thing when I was a kid

pssssssh. Dude has the suit game of a 90's black church goer.