Prince O'Wales

Well I am black so I was asking for it

IT's clearly NOT a white supremacist society, They just took down my town's confederacy monument. Clearly the commies are winning

You are right. I don't go on facebook very much and dleted the app off of my phone but I had a funny musing. Can't even do that . 90% of my facebook acquaintances don't post meme cancer so I thought I'd gotten rid of terrible people and it was safe to peek in every now and then, Little did I know a college friend had

Everyday this administration breaks me. Some guy just posted some racist shit about Obama on my facebook page unprovoked and it was the straw that boke the camel's back

You're gonna hear her Roar about how unfair your grading scale is

A for effort?

I don't think she even thought of being offensive, she is just that boring

1. I understand the Native American one could venture into bad taste but even that would be better than what ever the fuck she wore out there. Like really gurl

This season while showcasing some good queens has been pretty low energy I have to say. We need some unself-aware messy queens to stir some shit. They all seem to realize how they will come off on TV (which is fair don't be an out right C U Next Tuesday) and try to not be too domineering. Now with the fan base

I'm sure they thought Nina would be gone last week but Valentina fucked it up

To the people that listen to him it does

Remember that what goes on at uC Berkeley is not representative of what goes on at all college and doesn't even represent all the people at UC Berkeley. My time in college, safe space mean that the LGBTQ kids could gone themselves with out being called faggots and black students could find support and talk about

I had Nina as my pick to win being as she represents my town but after these shenanigans I'm going to quietly turn my reddit flair to Shea or Sasha

AS I saw on reddit, this lipsync shows she's only been performing for 10 months. She is not used to this pressure. You are only truely as good as you are at your worse. she showed that she hasn't had her skills tested by fire yet and this is her crumbling under the pressure

Trust me I dont want to and the only saving grace is that the sound is turned off. If I'm lucky, the TV in front of my desk will be on Weather Channel. But hey it's the south and I work on a military base so FOX news is treated like Gospel to the person who controls the remotes on my side of the office

I mostly saw this whole hullabaloo starting FOX. First off, it's on at my office so I know what their talking points are. So FOX talks about LMS a lot. FOX and Friends, the morning show, will talk about episodes and they love Tim Allen. When it was cancelled, there were a lot of segments about it being cancelled

It got 6 seasons and 130 goddman episodes. Fucking Christ, come off it FOX news and your stupid viewership

God I don't hate Farrah but girl has literally zero personality. She was clearly put on as a filler queen becuase she hasn't come into her own. For once I agreed with Ru that a queen doesn't know who she is

YEah and while her makeup improved, I don't want to see her crunchy ass looks anymore.

You wanna hear me talk about airplane food?