Prince O'Wales

My husband and I want to have kids in the future and I'm really tepid on the idea now. I don't want to know my kid to grow up in a shitty world. Especially since it seems to be open season on black men and racism is en vouge, I don't want to have to explain to my kids (especially if I have a boy) that no matter how

onion did a video during the campaign about how they couldn't make articles about him because he IS an onion article

No buzzfeed sorting hat to put her into an Obscure Personality Adjective Faction

The world is moving to this hard right stance. IT's freakin me out.

At least not the white ones

I switched my registration from MI to GA. Oh how shitty I feel

Dr King was peaceful not like those Black lives matter kids! That's why King got sprayed with firehoses and put in jail. Because he was being too peaceful

I meant it more that the vid paints every 20 something to be obsessed with finding the newest app or what ever and being shitty and self absorbed. IT didn't help that FOX was on one of the TV's at my job and they were going on and on about millennials in the way you'd think FOX news would so I'm feeling a bit salty on

I'm 27 and I don't know what bumble is. I'm not out of touch it's jsut that not all of us are abnoxious, or self absorbed or New Yorkers

At 5 minutes in and I want to scream that not all of us 20 somethings are obnoxious pretentious New Yorkers. I'm a pretentious Detroiter

I was surprised to learn that Greys Anatomy is still on. and Ghost Sex really?

I think season 4 is the perfect place to end the show. I remeber it being sort of a plot point that he couldn't balance family and serial killer persona. In later seasons he has the time to do everything he wants and it's handwaved as his babysitter being cheap or something

I was glad the Breaking Bad was airing while Dexter was airing so I could watch Dexter's incompetence and then go watch BB 's greatness

A little bit of no he did not understand it and a little bit of he didn't think he'd actually win

We had a good run. And at least we can end it without having to know if it gets any worse

I get more that anti intellectualism is dangerous

yeah they lost what ever cred they had some years ago

12 is still one of my favorites. It's focus on the plot and politics of the world and not some dumbass love story tumor really made me love that game

The episode where Brian has to look over that elderly jazz singer could not exist in present day family guy
