Prince O'Wales

Pretty much what Sharon had to say on the topic

just think of when they interviewed Tori and Dean in season 1. They offered some good opportunities to create a conversational volley so it was up to the queens to keep the conversation going as oppsed to this where it was up to the queens to elicit any production that was more than a just phatic speech

I just watched untucked the next morning on the website. Since it's not ususally important outside of some gems (calling Laganja out was prime), I can passivley listen while I'm doing some morning cardio in ym living room

As much as the some of the queens weren't very good hosts, I don't think Georgia and Chazz were good guests. Their energy was so dead. You'd have to go above and beyond to make it a good segment that even an average host would have trouble. I feel that those who did good were just able to make the interview ok.

To the same artist too

That lip sync made me want to pay extraordinary amounts money to see the full footage

Huh, that's usually saved for top 5 not top 6.

Trinity's exit reminded me of Latrice's exit. Very graceful and greatful. That is how you keep people wanting to see you after you leave this show

I think Courtney will go far but she won't win

Former contestants weighed in on it and called it out for the bullshit it is.

We can already see the big players this season and where t heir characterization will go based on our history with them. Damn this show is good

I love this band! I'm also a bit of a hipster when it comes to music

Like they said in Untucked, she's not bad but her character was too much and she wouldn't take notes on how to pull it back. She is an amazing performer but on a show like this seeing that stage persona all the time is grating

On sneaky editing, I noticed that they didn't actually show Bianca say those words of encouragement to Trinity which makes me think they were edited in

I got what she was doing but RuPaul doesn't say "chassé away" so it was confusing.

OH god during Alyssa's untucked segment. Laganga was going on like a black church lady.

There is an extended cut of the comedy challenge on logotv. Courtney's set was not too bad. But for the most part the good ones were still good and the bad ones are still bad. Laganga actually tried to read Trinity in her set and it was AWFUL. Joslyn's starting jokes were pretty good, she should have paced herself

Which is even more confusing since that's never been a thing on this show

I figure they are all recycled scripts from 70's sitcoms that the kids are too young to recognize

I'm naming my first born boy or girl Maneshevitz.