
Excellent username / story subject synergy :-)

I know it’s Kinja and I should be making a joke, but it’s honestly kind of nice to hear some good news for once after the past couple of weeks.

It has literally been ripped from his grasp!

It’s rare, but I’ve heard of professors who wanted a one-page max (sometimes five page) summary/argument sort of paper, usually to force you to keep your thesis concise. If you go went over by a few lines, you could play with the margins and font to get it to fit.

So they took the 1040EZ form and printed it in landscape mode. Got it.

The 9-6 final won me $140

Probably not. Michael McCann wrote about this on SI:

Hey, 47 cents is a pretty good price for a loaf of bread...

I like this game


This is the best one.

Foles is signed through next season. Elway will have to throw a dump truck full of draft picks at the Eagles.

Interestingly, at the very bottom of that FAQ, I learned that commercial airlines are not subject to the ADA:

Right here:

Thank you for teaching me the word donnybrook, somehow I’d never learned it until today. A perfectly cromulent word.

Katy Perry’s Swish Swish dance.

The simulation we live in got stuck in a loop

Man, Plaxico Burress is gonna be so made they mad this rule change now.

Ah, so that’s why the Dothraki were ululating. They were just singing along!
