Prince Ari

I believe pretty strongly in giving proper spoiler warnings for, say, details of a story, but we’re talking about the names of video games here.

That feels unnecessary, and awfully clickbaity.

While I sympathize with your love of the unknown — I love surprises too! — this is a news outlet, and we don’t believe that reporting on news requires a spoiler warning. Sorry.

That is super nice. If they even just did this on the top part as a printed design, it’d look classy. They should consider more designs like this over just logos slapped on it.

That’s probably one of the coolest consoles I’ve ever seen. They did a great job with that.

Too bad Tony never developed a mutation that would make him immune to alcohol.

i make a point of watching/listening to “pale blue dot” at least once a year, and tear up every damn time.

Nah, still the Luminous engine. They’ve just done a lot more with post-processing. They’ve got shadows rendering at different strengths, projecting from different sources. Atmospheric filtering. Tons of little tweaks and such.

This graphics engine they're using is freaking amazing. Is it new?

How to Ruin Monopoly and make people hate you!

New costumes for Han and Luke...

Both the same age AND both dying of cancer. FUCK. CANCER.

Both the same age too :/

WHAT THE FUCK?! First Bowie, and now this? ;_;

It looks like the expression changes between pictures, and it’s freakin’ me out.

This accounted for at least 50% of my button presses playing AC Syndicate.

Surprisingly accurate... Snake really is stunning