Prince Ari

Regardless of scum and hair, a quick vinegar soak also dissolves mineral buildups, which occur even if you rinse regularly (since the water is what causes it).

X-23 is so bad ass, she’ll make a fine Wolverine.

...Wow. Cosplay so good it looks better than the actual in-game model.

This is not alright.

What....what is this from?


He crafted it and it flies in the air.

Points for owning up. :)

Filed to “didn’t read.”

Filed to Bullshot for them photoshopped screenshots

And they have the HUD removed, all in all, they are legit images captured straight from the game, it’s not even scripted other than what is scripted for everyone in the game.

Not a bad game and I’m not kicking it, but I don’t think a few maps with limited features is much of a game unless you haven’t played video games much this year. It’s just a beta and I wouldn’t say it’s much better than anything else out now. Definitely one of the prettiest. I dig the snow in the demo.

You really think so? Fine if you do, but are the two multiplayer maps and a single player survival mode taken on their own truly better than The Witcher 3, Phantom Pain, and a whole slew of games I'm forgetting or don't even know about? Save a seat for me aboard the hype train there, fella.

“Beta of the Year!”

The beta is the game of the year so far.

Game looked and ran fantastic for me!

It’s such a crime that your ridiculous standards of wanting a video game to look like photoshopped screenshots is not met.

For the past two years, a 40-something year-old man has allegedly robbed over 180 different locations across South Korea

Sounds like the statement from a true Adblock Plus user.

ohhhh i get why they are named that.