Prince Ari

No because that date is a Monday. Releases are never on a Monday. It's probably something though.

It has to be porn, because how could anybody have relationships when you have this? How could you tear yourself away from it?

Just imagine they are extra parts that hold the cockpit glass together :P

Me too! It's great to see such a thoughtful reminder of just how special Jackie Chan's movies are.

I love Jackie Chan especially his old movies!

Looks more like Jack Sparrow than that gender-bent imposter in the fourth movie did.

It's so trendy to bitch about Assassin's Creed, but you have to remember that every year they release a whole new game in a completely new setting with completely new characters, a full rich single player experience with side quests up the wazoo, and add several new mechanics that change how you play the game.

Just switch to Victorian Cockney and turn the subtitles on.

"I'm ready for another next gen adventure!"

I keep thinking the same thing. I always love the Best Of series though...always makes me think back on the year fondly!

Can't believe that it's time for the Best of Series for 2014 already, where did the year go?

It's funny though that the head of Ubisoft has stated that they would delay an Assassins Creed game if Need be. Just wish they could follow through with that.

Unity was developed over 4 years. Even the other games are on 2 year cycles with dev teams so massive its like 3-4 years.

Indeed. What they accomplish so quickly is impressive. I've always loved the AC cities.

That's damn impressive. Ubisoft has some great creative talent. I wish they just weren't hamstrung by their own company's higher ups.

They're in a recession.

Brilliant. That is all. :)

Just saw this last night. The movie is absurd — the writing makes no sense, there's an insane amount of plot holes. CinemaSins would have a field day. But that seems to be the point of the movie — to just be straight out bonkers, because not giving a shit can be fun.

I'm watching this movie as we speak. Im at the part where they are in the sewers heading to where I imagine is Arkham Asylum.