They took care of that months ago.
They took care of that months ago.
People complained all the time lol.. the internet just wasn't as prevalent.
If the name sells the system... Why did the PS3 have such an abysmal launch coming off the heels of the tremendous success of the PS2.
I don't know why everyone is complaining about lack of games. There are several games out there of all genres. Just because there aren't hundreds of games out there within the first year doesn't mean you have to complain - take your time and enjoy the games that are out!
No one "loved" beating Knack or Killzone...
And millions of people that own the Xbox One are willing to play games that will come out on PC less than a year later, but that doesn't stop people from not buying the system.
People know that great games are going to come out for the PS4, so they get the system to play the games that are on the system. Some people are willing to upgrade to next gen just to get a graphical upgrade on games that are also on 360 and PS3.
Indie games have been better than publisher-funded games for years.
Look at the last generation for an idea.
The 360 was handing PS3 it's butt for years, but when all was said and done, they finished about even.
People say it's a marathon not a sprint, but what happens when one runner is running at a sprinters pace and isn't slowing down.
Good thing you gave me a heads up, we're gonna have to coordinate so we don't come into work wearing the same outfit. THAT would be embarrassing.
Wow. That might be the most "Dad" thing I've ever written on this site!
Fool. Money. Soon. Parted. It's costs 3,200 yen. I'm not paying double the price to some asshole out to make a buck. Sorry!
I usually think Gamer clothing is kinda lame and don't like to wear my hobbies so obviously on my sleeve, BUT I did just buy this reversible skirt today...
Sad how people can make a hobby/living out of tearing down other peoples work. Being a critic is one thing, but these "CinemaSins" style rants seem to take an arrogant approach that is getting old. Movies/Games are art, and it's going to be subjective. Love/hate is just an opinion, so making some video detailing…
Whaddaya mean? That is my wrist!
I know, right???
For what seems like months, my middle son, who is five, has wanted a yokai watch, which we had promised him for Children's Day if he continued to clean up and help around the house. He did, but we couldn't hold up our end of the deal. Damn us.
I'd like to see how it looks on Brian's wrist. Brian! Try it on just for comparison!