Prince Ari

As we speak, I'm in the middle of reporting and writing a lengthy story for this afternoon, which you'll see shortly, for free. Yesterday, I spent several hours of my weekend transcribing interviews for more stories which you'll see this week, for free. Last week, while I was on vacation, I spent about 80% of my time

"Wait, I've seen this case before... It's an iPhone case."

Considering all political discourse in this country has devolved to people just calling each other Nazis, I assume the baseline on how often "Nazi" is tweeted is pretty high already.

More than week ago, I got codes for the PlayStation Now beta and the Destiny Alpha. So, I opened up the PlayStation

"Some people glance at their phones while driving, so I'm okay introducing something permanently into my field of vision on a motorcycle."

Another nice piece Tina, really enjoying your reporting on this. This is the reason I click on Kotaku every day.

I'm seeing alot of fire for a character who creates ice.

I understand the appeal of voice commands. They come in handy on the original Kinect when I'm eating and want to start a show while my hands are full. I wasn't actually meaning to attack you specifically... It's just literally every single person I've talked to who owns an Xbox ONE basically mentions that they played

Voice commands on Netflix? Definitely worth that extra $100, huh?.. Considering MS couldn't even be bothered to release a half way decent 'Kinect' game or experience after forcing it upon everyone.

I own both consoles.

If you would own both consoles you wouldn't be saying this. I do, and everything about the PS4 seems superior. The games are few, yes, but who buys a console just for the launch games.

The Xbox 1 has maybe 7 titles rated 75 or better on Metacritic, and most of those are ports.

First, The iPad is farrrr from being able to do "everything this thing does". Android tablets.. its closer but not yet still.

Ah, I didn't look at the videos, my bad mang.

It's not about being bothered by the gender of protagonists, it's about letting one little girl feel like she's adventuring as another girl who's trying to save the world. It's about opening the minds of little nerdy girls everywhere to let them know that they, too, can kick major ass. I don't mind playing as male

He was trying to show his daughter that women can be strong and heroic too, not just men. I take it you didn't actually read the article.

Via the same logic, the Mona Lisa is much better with some hdr processing. And a bit of sharpening. Maybe adjust the white balance a touch warmer.