
Alec's supposedly the more intelligent twin. That's not very complimentary to Drew.

There have been so many hundreds of "Survivor" contestants, most have long faded from memory. I couldn't recognize the names or the photos. Some contestants endure, however, and Shii-Ann's among them. Kudos to her for that.

Ha! Shii-Ann. She won that difficult and painful challenge, and then graciously yelled, "In your face!" at her fellow tribemates. She was protected at that night's Tribal Council, but I believe she got voted-out next.

Helen has become dislikable because Noah stopped liking her.
If you go back and watch the pre-Alison scenes from Episode 1, Noah presents a warm, loving version of Helen — a caring and attentive wife and mother who's very capable with her four children.
The choking incident varies immensely between Noah and Alison's

Hi Cub, it's nice to encounter another non-smoking vegan. Hooray for clean living!
I think that women hit the fork in the road sometime around age 40. Until then, self-destruction — tanning, smoking, excessive drinking, lack of exercise, insufficient sleep — doesn't show. Then, all of a sudden, those years of

Oscar's a red herring.

"The Affair" is a compelling study of selective memory and why it's almost impossible to get a consistent, accurate story from two people. Even impartial, uninvolved witnesses are unreliable; when the recollections are from people who had a passionate affair with very bad consequences, the memories will vary greatly.

Yes, smart money's on Martin, the character's who's deeply unbalanced, mostly in the background, but always nearby. If he didn't actually kill Scott himself, he played some significant role in Scott's death. Martin's spent the entire summer working at the ranch with the Lockhart brothers; he's seen and learned

For what it's worth, I recently had my 58th birthday, and people usually guess that I'm in my early-40s. (No, I've never had any facial surgery.) I've taken good care of my skin for decades, including lots of sunscreen every day, but I know that genetics are a big factor. My 50-year-old brother looks maybe 35.

Maura Tierney's doing a wonderful job with the often thankless role of Helen. When "The Affair" began, with the family packing the car and about to leave for the summer, Helen was a likeable character. Over the course of the show, she's turned into a spoiled, unappealing, and almost butch woman. But, it's important

Wasn't it Martin who faked a hanging suicide during the pilot? That incident seems so long ago (before the summer in the Hamptons) and far away (back in Manhattan). Most viewers have forgotten. The underlying message, set up and running through the entire series, is that Martin's a troubled kid with perhaps some

"Moral of the show: never, ever, ever, never, EVER let go of your kid's hand."
If only that were possible. Tony wasn't a neglectful or irresponsible parent. Oliver had said, repeatedly, that he was thirsty, so Tony was buying a beverage. Tony let go of Oliver's hand just long enough to take out his money and pay.