
@kyosen: Plus, you know, there's a Japan editor, and this stuff is a reasonably sized niche there. The "otaku" in "Kotaku" could have something to do with it too.

@vaterunser: Waaaaay too easy. It's actually more difficult to avoid porn on the net. I like a little challenge in my games.

Has anyone been having problems with their keyboard & trackpad locking up spontaneously? I've had to do a hard shutdown quite a few times in the past month or two with my MBP because of it, and my girlfriend has seen it once or twice with her MB.

@fecalchaos: Many of the anecdotal stories Gabe or Tycho tell about the children they help are those who literally spend months and months in hospitals. I can't imagine a better thing (outside of their health) for these kids to have than a DS to help them enjoy this huge chunk of their childhoods.

Sad news to hear :(

Mario 2 is by far one of the most underrated video game soundtracks. Not many 8-bit anthems can be this polished and professional while sounding so close to the original.

@phloog: That argument is absolutely ridiculous. "If you can't prove to me that buying a Hummer and not recycling and investing in oil wells instead of wind turbines isn't going to bring about the imminent destruction of the earth, they I'm not doing shit!"

@theuglyteradon: And the lie about her quote in 2007 saying she doesn't pay attention to what's going on in Iraq?

You know what the difference between a polar bear and a hockey mom is? Lipstick!

Could be fun. See, now that's where air guitar and air drums belongs — an add-on to a full featured, useful game. Not the freaking core of the main spotlight at E3.

@sisedi: It's very appropriate you put "working" in quotes.

I really wish there was a reason besides MGS4 for a 360 owner to get a PS3 as well. I freaking love the MGS series, but I can't afford whatever Sony wants for a decent SKU for just one game.

@suya123: PLEASE PLEASE read the editor's post before hand.

@Corn: As a fan of parody and a frequent consumer of satirical media, I feel that I speak for the community of people who enjoy such farcical material when I say that the source of your caricature is lost on all of us.

@LemmingX: Oh but you my friend, you are an idiot with a 2x bonus multiplier!

@NoBullet: The joke isn't that Sony's depressed and drinking. The joke is that they're like an old friend down who messed up his life and swears he needs "just one more" chance and he'll make it up to us. Chances are he's made the same pledge plenty of times before without really delivering and we really want to

Soooo... Wii Fit has achievements now or something?

@James in Dupont: A decade ago YDKJ was more innovative than any other trivia game, and in 2008 it will still be more innovative than any other trivia game.

Oh, and to the Crosby haters: Hate the media, not the player.