
Was watching the #CUPodcast and Ian described Borderlands as “Everyone’s a Deadpool knockoff written by a 14-year-old.”

I know so many grown men playing as female characters in ALL games where it’s possible, that it’s more disturbing than letting a woman help identify with her own character in said games.”

Aloy is, in my opinion, the best realized female protagonist in AAA gaming history. Not just because of her great character development, not just because she could be an attractive design without feeling objectified, not just because  of the way she navigated her world, but in the way she worked in combat.

So you’re saying they thought Aloy should’ve been Aboy?

fantastic little game! 

I could really go for another 3D Dot Game Heroes.

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

I am coming to the conclusion that Bethesda may not know what the hell its doing...

My reaction to the trailer was “oh a shitty over the top cute animals shooting each other game, that looks dumb and is focus tested to appeal to 13 year olds...oh wait it’s a military FPS? That looks dumb and is focus tested to appeal to 13 year olds.”

RE5 was a fantastic game. It was an awful Resident Evil game, bur when you ignore the awful story and genuine lack of anything ‘horror’, the actual gameplay and pacing was on point. I had loads of fun playing it, even if it marked the point of no return for the series, until we can get an entire series reboot.

Did you play Revelations 2? That’s a co-op RE they made after 6.

In the defense of Pokemon, red is an even more uncommon hair color in Japan than the United States and Europe. 

Being Ginger myself I find this one of those odd socially acceptable racism things, if the main protagonist had been black, and someone had made a mod to make him less black, it wouldnt be featured because its racist. All we’re talking about here is a colour change, skin colour is out of order, hell even doing the old

I totally hear you. I joke about it every time it happens, but am starting to feel legitimately sad about it.

Speaking as a man of the auburn persuasion, we need more banked fires, rather than outright carroty blazes (and there’s not a damned thing wrong with the flaming red of some gingers, either--it’s just that I’ve yet to play a game that understands there’s a gradient from “holy shit that’s red” to “oh, so you’re

Bud if it’s not blatantly obvious to you how that gets past testing you’ve never been within 500 feet of a piece of software being built.

I have found memories of playing that game freshman year of college. But in hindsight I’m willing to admit it wasn’t that good.  Shout out to Solo for bringing Teras Kasi back into cannon.  

I mean, these new ones look prettier. 

Now playing

an NPC with a title claiming she was a “Child of the Korn,” whatever that means

So not this ?