
Not to mention The Firemen on SNES. One of the most underappreciated classics of the 16-bit era.

Aren’t they, though? And the best part is, give it enough time and EVERYONE plays! :)

PC gamers are complaining about a game being “exclusive” to double-clicking a different icon on their desktop. Meanwhile console players have been dealing with this kind of actual exclusivity bullshit for decades now (and recently with Destiny 2, PC players are getting in on the fun!). Not saying that this has never

Sounds like it probably would’ve been a good idea to include some of these story elements in the original game, so we could see a well-rounded antagonist and an Ardyn that isn’t just a one-note fedora-wearing creep with a poorly defined power set.

He should’ve double featured this movie then Gremlins 2. Well, really any movie then Gremlins 2. Long story short, Gremlins 2 is a fantastic movie.

Removing common/uncommon from end game drops is the type of thing Borderlands 2 needed to do, so I’m glad to see at least this loot shooter doing that.

Far as I’m concerned The State, Mr. Show, and Kids in the Hall are the best comedy shows ever made, full-stop.

If you need an announcement that Diablo 4 is being worked on, then you also need an announcement that the sun is coming up tomorrow and that water is wet.

Charlie “All Day” Duncan was one of my best men in X Com 1. We were deep in an alien ship when I made a fatal mistake that cost Charlie his life. I had him pushed too far forward to save another member of the squad, and while he scored a sick crit to drop the STUPID ROBO DISC OF DEATH, he was exposed to an ambush. The

ME 2 and 3 did remedy the situation (and replaced it with planet scanning and initially multiplayer grinding, respectively), but I recall the fans complaining about the lack of inventory options... as if the inventory wasn’t nightmarish in the original. Andromeda and Inquisition took the wrong lessons from that.

People keep saying “underdeveloped” and “unlikable,” when we very clearly understood her motivation by the end, and were 100% supposed to be against her, on Poe’s side, as a feint. We’re learning the same lesson Poe is rather than passively watching him come around to it. That’s good storytelling.

If you felt like you were “meant” to dislike her, it just points all the more to TLJ’s genre-breaking intentions, and how you missed them: this movie didn’t conform to predictive BS. There’s almost never pure evil or pure incorrectness in life. Holdo had her misgivings (stop being so secretively wise) but her plan had

I never really figured there was anything wrong with it. Haters are gonna hate, but there might be some people out there that get interested. They come for the ERP and stay for the regular stuff.

[Translator’s Note: I WAS IN THE POOL]

Cowboy Bebop could work for one important reason that I think isn’t as touched on when discussing this: age of the characters.

All of the main characters, save for Ed, are adults. You have a much larger pool of talented actors to choose from, and in terms of appearances, it’s much easier to do small changes to an

The first and second part of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure would be pretty easy to adapt as a Hollywood movie. But it needs a director who knows just how utterly ridiculous the anime’s plot was. Something akin to Big Trouble in Little China.

This is the funniest gif. What’s it from?