Oh hey. I always wanted an RPG with town building elements. Though it seems too “MMOy”, not to mention being designed for mobile dampers my interest. I am conflicted.
Oh hey. I always wanted an RPG with town building elements. Though it seems too “MMOy”, not to mention being designed for mobile dampers my interest. I am conflicted.
Literally filibuster the whole game.
Hello, internet? I’ll take 20!
I dunno, I don’t work for Ubi.
I think you're only seeing it because the tiny bit complaining are just that loud, and attention keeps being given to them. I honestly think this attitude of both those reject this and those seemingly feeling the need to call them out is continuously being blown out of proportion.
When did this happen? when I was young it was always: "Damn, I wish girls played video games" Now that this strange concept is getting a modicum of media attention, there's literally a fucking war on women...WHAT THE FUCK GUYS, YOU'RE FUCKING IT UP!
Is there a way you guys could put like a tag some where to say if the game is conesole, PC, portable, or app game?
I propose two alternate modes: Zombie and Matt Damon. In both, you click on the toxic player's name and select one of these options. Forever more, their chat just comes out as either "Braaains!" or the like, or "Matt Damon!" (from Team America). So you know that they're saying stuff, but it all comes out as amusing…
it is! ;)
Totally agree.
It's a secret now that only fire can tell.
He doesn't use physical force, he raises oil prices until no one can afford to drive to the tournament.
Set the parental controls when you're drunk and forget the password :)
You also have to keep in mind the type of game you're comparing. Price to content wise, Skyrim is practically unbeatable (I have nearly 400 hrs. in and still haven't completed everything), but it's not in the same genre as say, Halo 3 for example, which I also loved immensely, despite the fact they were both $60 even…