
Just wait for the sun to go down.

Let’s face it, the shit AI is just getting you ready to party with randos  (and it’s still not as painful as it could be).

And by getting their due we mean dumping their final heroic acts into a lore entry that most of the playerbase will ignore.

Their target demo being twenty-somethings who think Rick and Morty has deep philosophical value and that Fight Club and Boondock Saints should be emulated.

Was the second really that blasphemous/heretical to the Catholic faith though? I mean making Alexander VI the villain is something the Catholics had been doing since he ascended to the papacy.

If we’re talking the weird side of Star Wars games, can we get someone to remaster/reimagine Masters of Teras Kasï? I had an unhealthy love for that game and I'd love to see a modern version.

Watson seconds your vot! Keep the corgis coming Kotaku!

The Destiny Vault? No. Bad idea. There's never any reason to remove content.

I always imagined someone like Evan Rachel Wood, Christina Hendricks, or Natalie Dormer as Moxxi. Cate Blanchett could probably rock it, but I’ve never seen her as the sort to sexually intimidate an entire room just inhaling.

That’s because Karl Urban and The Rock are always a good time!

Oh man, PoP is still a serious guilty pleasure though - that cast was fucking solid too. Beyond Sir Ben, we had Toby Kebbell and Alfred Molina at his hammiest, and it's not like Jake Gyllenhaal turned in a bad performance (though it definitely felt like he wanted to be doing a very different Ubi movie lol).

All good points - though I feel like you could go a chunk older with Torgue and get Jesse Ventura (who can definitely grow a mustache).

Replace DJ with Cena for Brick, and barring getting David Eddings back- Chris Tucker for Claptrap (he has that Fifth Element energy in there somewhere, I refuse to believe it’s dead).

Now as Tannis? Maybe they'd be on to something.

Dude. Cate Blanchett getting cast in an Eli Roth driven Borderlands (aka a garbage fire) would no more grant legitimacy to video game movies than Bob Hoskins did for them in Super Mario Brothers.

I generally feel like Nomura has a shelf in his office with a set of, really just fucking read to death, Frank Herberts Dune books and as far as he's concerned Sephiroth IS the Kwisatz Haderach....and Xehanort. He's both. And we're all going to pay the price.

Surprise mechanics when?

This makes me want to dig out my PS3 and 3D Dot Game Heroes.

Housekeeper iirc, or on your box in the room.

You mean Nü-Carth.