
because the little changes here and there in in the LotR trilogy of films were nitpicky things. the sorts of things that only Tolkien ubernerds rage in (you know the ones- elvish script tattoos, talk to either in a fragmented mixture of elvish, actually wear cloaks for reasons other than cosplay).

what about those of us who like to wade in and melee?

I can see both points, and this one is barely scifi anyhow. That's one of the things I really liked in some of the behind the scenes with Guerrilla Games stuff where they talked about the research put in on giving the arsenal in Killzone a futuristic edge but still reasonably grounded in how modern kinetic weapons

Really? Uplay. Seeing an article like this about a Ubisoft product didn't surprise in the least. Ubisoft loves their bullshit verification, I won't touch Ubi product on Steam either.

I would main the shit out of a carpet if they they added one. At least one throw/grapple would need to be rolling the opponent up and slamming into the ground.

if it was just large established outlets that Metacritic pulled their numbers from then it would be one thing . That That isn't the case though, I've seen tiny websites get folded into the Metacritic score. And it it isn't a straight numerical shot either , depending depending on the size of a reviewers

Given the non-compete, non-disclosure, everything you create while employed is property of the company agreements people have to sign to get in the door- outside consulting would generally be a fast track to a final paycheck and possibly a lawsuit (depending on how shitty the company is).

Agreed. The gearing process is evil once you hit the level cap. And trying to do random dungeons while I wait for the last couple guild members to hit 100 is painful. The personal loot system feels like I'm TOO much at the mercy of the RNG gods. I'm up to four dungeons in a row without a drop so far.

one thought that came to mind when you mentioned its weight and debated gluing it down- grab some Velcro take from a craft shop (assuming you don't have any lying around) and just secure it to the back of the t.v..

let me put in the words of a bartender I worked with- he kept kosher, one day when he was gazing wistfully at a cheeseburger I offered to make one with a meatless patty so he could do cheese or order a shake from the place below us. His response? "It isn't doing the right thing if you look for a loophole or a

I kinda liked that touch, as cool as Malthael was- he wasn't Diablo. This definitely felt like a middle part, all through, so having the 7 evils loose to come back is going to be great, whenever the team gets around to it.

just wait, it'll be vita exclusive in Japan and then get forgotten about until the end of the PS4 life cycle when it is announced as an hd remake for PS5 in America.

Eh, it's a wash for me. I buy plenty of gamers day one, and usually pre-order to avoid having to cough the cash up all at once. I double check reviews before I head to the store and if I see any huge angry red flags with great pointy teeth then I can cancel easily enough or toss the "I'm probably going to regret

don't let Jason Schreier hear you say this, he would have to write another lengthy post on why preorder bonuses are evil and how anyone who likes them is ruining gaming as we know it.

Given that the ongoing lore in that IP is tied up in WoW - a new RTS game in that setting would be awesome, but it would be a big question of what plot lines do they utilize?
Personally I think a tactical view of the big actions/battlefields you saw as a player in WoW would be fun, with the option of importing hero

Amazing use of homophobic bro language to mock bros. I don't know if it's edgy irony or an absurd comment on gamer culture.

exactly this Optimus. While coughing up the change for yet another version of the first game almost certainly guarantees a steady supply of "next gen"remakes, I remain hopeful that it also increases the odds of sequels or new ip from the developer teams that create these gems.

I remember years ago being in Stormwind when a pack of horde rogues and locks snuck through the city to the catacombs under the cathedral. They summoned 2 full raid groups and proceeded to rampage through the city.

I bet they make you pay extra for it's armor too.

fair point, the good old fade to black or camera pan up could be used more.