Prime Directive

I guess TotalBiscuit rubbed off on me all those years ago, but I try to avoid scoring games with a single number because it feels a bit reductive. That said, I do agree if you’re going to score 1-10 then use the whole scale. If I had to score Starfield I’d probably put it around a 7, but that’s personal sentiment of

Because Keighley is bought, and the tally is too easy to manipulate.

Depends if the category is about popularity or quality. If it’s the latter, Five Nights was never going to make the list with the critic scores it got. It was definitely popular and made a lot of money, in no small part due to a famously obsessive fanbase, but I’m not sure that’s enough when all the other candidates

I think this is the right take, even as someone who quite likes Starfield. It’s a good game, but it’s not an outstanding game, and GOTY really should be for the latter.

Nothing wrong with clicking your cookie in public.

I’ll be filling out the protection forms once I’ve finished with the self-flagellation.

I guess? People have been complaining about that label being meaning ‘all features included’ and not ‘won an award’ for like two decades now.

I had a quick look at the TW series, in most recent release order:

I’m glad you raised Playstation, because it was originally going to be in my reply but I cut it for brevity.

I do like Steam (it’s my preferred platform), but I also like GoG and just quietly some of Ubisoft’s platform features are pretty good too, so I don’t think I have any particular loyalty, let alone subservience. As for stores, I probably buy through GMG more than Steam, the AUD discounts are always pretty solid.

I covered some of this in a different reply, but I think you’re conflating the Steam platform with the Steam store. The platform does no trade and generates no revenue, it can’t be a monopoly by definition.

You’re conflating the Steam platform with the Steam store. Steam keys activate on the Steam platform. The Steam platform does no trade and makes no revenue. The platform is funded exclusively by the store.

Strange thing to say considering Epic prices aren’t any higher than Steam’s

More stores are good

What point do you think it’s making that people are getting wrong?

Did you get your years mixed up? Far Cry 6 came out in 2021.

Apparently we’re phone bros, my first phone was a 5110 too! Upgraded later to a 3210, then who knows what.

I wasn’t a zunehead by any means, but I never understood the Zune hate either. It was a pretty good device for its time.

you can never really tell if someone is actually a total dick, or just behaving like a dick to get attention and ad revenue

For me, the parts of Black Flag that made it great were the parts that had nothing to do with Assassin’s Creed, so in that sense the ‘best AC game’ to that point was good for being not a good AC game.