This is how all collectors editions should be, really. Get the game on whatever platform and store you want, and then get the CE content as its own bundle independent of the game.
This is how all collectors editions should be, really. Get the game on whatever platform and store you want, and then get the CE content as its own bundle independent of the game.
This is a pretty transparent laundering scheme - he wants foreign funding but he’s under too much financial scrutiny, so he’s selling intangible nothings for tumbled crypto.
No problem! I was just worried they’d bumped the price on another store or for the complete edition or something and it just hadn’t trickled through to Steam yet.
It’d be more legible and sensical than the kind of nonsense sovcits come up with, so maybe it’s already an improvement.
I’m pretty sure I saw a website recently that uses a text AI to generate prompts you can then send to an image AI.
I respectfully disagree. There are a lot of factors involved in the delivery of complex software, and in my experience the two issues that drive a buggy release are financial and technical. Consumer acceptance plays a part in the decision-making, but it’s not a driving force.
Been there; this is exactly it. The complexity of modern games is mind-boggling, comparing them to 80s or 90s games might as well be comparing a backyard shed to the Three Gorges Dam. They’re nowhere near the same league.
Yeah, I can’t see any other reason for this timing than to bury the story.
I’m aware, I did work in gamedev for a decade and it’s an argument I’ve made here in the past. I think you might be reading too much into what I said, though: I didn’t say anything about boycotting, I’m just choosing not to follow this particular developer’s future work as I might if I heard, for example, that Sid…
I’m sure neither of our outfits matter in the slightest.
I’m not going to go in increasingly verbose circles with someone as unaware and entrenched as you seem to be. If you’re this invested in defending bullying people for their clothing, I see no reason to believe you’d be convinced by any form of reasoning.
1. Any effect clothing has on how someone thinks is placebo at best. Uniforms exist for a lot of reasons, a lot of which are non-causative, almost none of which have to do with how the brain works, and in the rare cases they do, they’re correlated to confidence, not seriousness. There’s a reason there’s been a general…
True, but just because they don’t doesn’t mean they shouldn’t.
I quite enjoyed Days Gone, so it’s pretty disappointing to hear this is the attitude of the writer/director.
I can’t overstate how disappointing this article is. Judging people by what they wear and not, say, what they’ve accomplished (you know, what awards shows are meant to be about) deserves every bit of pushback.
It’s not really good enough for either.
If the US had an effective voting system that didn’t encourage tactical voting or produce wasted votes, there’s a reasonable chance he wouldn’t have been elected in the first place.
Isn’t that literally the entire basis of these awards though? Of course fans are going to want their favourite game to win over another one, that’s how contests work.
Any ‘first past the post’ election, at least. Preferential voting (at least when people understand how it works) tends to take the “I have to vote for X to stop Y winning” distortion out, because everyone gets to rank their least favourite at the bottom.