
The main reasons for attacking the US were support for Israel and running US military bases in Saudi Arabia, which have mostly since been closed. This makes the 9/11 attacks half-successful. Closing the Arabian bases has done more to prevent more domestic attacks than any foreign military actions carried out by

I remember reading in one of his Discworld books with the incompetent demons that there was a literal road to hell paved with literal good intentions. As in, the good intentions were written on the road itself. One I remember sticking out was "equal opportunity employer."

Weak. C-. See me after class

Technically, wealth and connections to financing determine eligibility for election. In a broader sense, economic organization determines political leadership. This is why both US parties are on the same page w/r/t imperialism and the prison-industrial complex. Not because they, as individuals, are moral failures or

No. Don't feign ignorance.

It's entirely a popularity contest. The consensus on the major defining issues—the necessity of a permanent war economy and militarized prison-industrial complex—is truly the best example of bipartisanship, aside from the Dems and Repubs working together to keep third parties out.

If trump wins, it's because the GOP and DNC have spent years ignoring what neoliberalism has done to working people.

Clinton is def the candidate to vote for if you don't care about poor people, foreigners, LGBTQIA people, and basic human rights