
They really aren’t. It’s kind of embarrassing, and they should get some tutoring from cosplayers.

She refused one million dollars...

Most of these aren’t that good?

She’s totally telling the truth.

Wow, just watched the entire video, I am fully supporting Kathy G going forward. Harvey levin tries a little too hard to brainwash his audience on tmz, it’s kind of disgusting. His promotion of the kardashians is like none other. No other website talks then up as much as Harvey and tmz, and heaven forbid they have an

Kathy = Truth.

Money. Been disappointed with love plenty, but I’m ready to open my life to money.

People hung effigies of Obama and no one cared. She did cheeto’s head and the FBI looks into her? C’mon.... we all wanted to do it. That actually is a genius Halloween decoration but sadly it is not scary in the slightest because him alive is even scarier.

I am still mystified as to why we’re supposed to hate her for doing what we all, y’all don’t want that cheeto’s head on a damn pike? I fuckin’ do.

Andy is a mean, misogynistic person and anyone who is friends with him-Kelly Ripa, AC, SJP-I suspect is also a mean person.

Andy Cohen contributes nothing to anything.

I didn’t know who Kathy Griffin was before this whole kerfuffle, and now I’m a fan.

So pissed that Cohen is doing CNNNYE. He’s such a bitch, and not in a fun Kathy Griffin way.

More traction? The Weinstein coverage already has led to helping male victims speak out as well (recent news w/ Tyler Grasham comes to mind) and this is probably also why Feldman is going beyond alluding to the ring (like he’s done for years) and finally feeling like he may just be able to take these powerful guys

No one believes victims of sexual assault. Male or female. Young or old.

I mean, she worked for a dictator with shitloads of human rights violations while preaching about feminism and empowerment when it serves HER and gives HER money, and then complained and rolled her eyes when people complained. I laugh when people buy into these celebrities “strong but relatable women” shtick.

They claimed that the girl’s mother was trying to extort Nicki, I think. She would have to testify that she was being asked to pay. Guess that was all bullshit.

I’ll go even further. I’ll bet the mother knows all about Jelani’s own molestation. She’s aware and she’s part of the chain. Sadly, I base this on personal experience.

Please re-read the first comment. This man could have made a plea deal and pleaded guilty to spare these kids the trial. He could have...but he didn’t.

The rumor achieved its intended goal. I’ve seen her fans already deciding its true and pushing the extortion angle as fact.