
I am a conspiracy theorist and I feel like there’s SOMETHING ELSE THERE. I mean, she was writing this book about their perfect relationship, everything is lookin’ rosey af, and then the marriage ends before the book is even published? They couldn’t have waited till after the book dropped a couple of months later,

He has never shown any kind of penchant for going against the grain. Where is your opstimism coming from? This is not optimism, this is delusion. I could see if we were talking about someone else, but we’re talking post-titty-gate Justin Timberlake. Like, I can’t even wrap my mind around this it’s so silly an

He is so incredibly fucking thirsty. I’m not watching his halftime show. Suck it NFL!

I would like to see him bring her out but he won’t. If he did then the spotlight wouldn’t be on him, which is all he cares about anyway.

The sheer success of the fake products they peddle online says otherwise. The sold out lip kits, “waist trainers” etc say otherwise, as does the popular aesthetic changing to a Kardashianized version in the US.

I agree with you to some extent. But the most followed people on Twitter or Instagram doesn’t really mean much. I mean, Justin Bieber has 100 millions followers on Twitter versus Angela Davis who has, well, way less than that. Who will know who Justin Bieber is in 20 years? Angela Davis on the other hand will remain

But you realize she’s not complaining about other girls who just LOOK different than she does, right? She’s saying she doesn’t want to be a girl who derives all of her self-worth from material things or men’s approval. Maybe it’s an LA thing, but I see women all the time who might as well be wearing a T-shirt that

Part of it is also that she’s well...right?

What’s wrong with making fun of idiots like the Kardashians?

You can literally die any day at any moment by anything ranging from being hit by a bus or having a freak aneurysm. Save as you will, but if you’re missing out on things you’d like to do/experience now thinking you’d be able to do them in the future anyways, just be warned.

I feel like the next scene in this commercial is a group of lithe homcidal teens wearing creepy masks sneaking into Gyllenhall’s pristine, secluded beach house. They disable the security system, take out the family dog with a silenced double tap to the cranium. The teens then proceed to overpower, torture and

Any self-respecting parent of a preschooler knows that when you’re reciting e.e. cummings, you have to change the words just a teensy bit for maximum bonding power, i.e.:
i carry your fart

David Cross reminds me of when Liz Lemon goes to her high school reunion on 30 Rock. She doesn’t want to go because she was an awkward geek that nobody liked.

Compare it to Meryl Streep’s public comment and tell me who you believe was most honest, contrite, and sincere

Tarantino is a strange guy. He just kind of gives off that vibe. That said, I feel like people who are more open and comfortable with their own strangeness are a lot less likely to do the kinds of things Harvey Weinstein has done.

True enough but when you get to the bottom of it, everyone in Hollywood had the same excuse. Tarantino is no Steven Speilberg, he’s only as valuable as his latest box office results and those are dependant on getting a movie made. He stood to lose his career every bit as much as an actor or makeup artist. If we say he

I think he kind of says “...because I was a shitty person.”

Yeah it’s weird. We are so used to the absolute worst that admitting you knew and didn’t help is refreshing

Who would have thought that Quentin Tarantino would be the first person to admit he knew Weinstein was crossing the line and he should have been a better person and not worked with him?

Not even close to an excuse. Any charity would have been happy to sign a hold-harmless waiver. They do it every day.