
I’ve seen them require/ask for volunteers to deboard for an incentive after boarding many times. Never seen them beat the shit out of someone who didn’t want to do it though, at least not in my experience

That’s how I understood it too. An employee of the airline who apparently thought they were more important than paying customers and didn’t want to be inconvenienced. The guy had a really good reason to keep that flight, as a doctor it’s extremely important for him to be able to see his patients as planned. You’d

Is this for real? A company actually forcibly removed a passenger - over their mistake, no less - and essentially physically assaulted him?? And that statement is the only thing they have to say about it? This is legitimately unfucking believable, holy shit. I hope he sues the living hell out of them and wins.

This is absolutely no comment on how I feel about how United handled that girl but Holy False Equivalency, Batman.

Thank you for clarifying the Kourtney college info.

Fuck you guys. One of my cats was vomiting this week. Like bile and stuff. It took me a couple days to figure out which one because they were all acting normally. I finally figured out it was my Tiny Wots, so I took her straight to the vet. She was refusing food and water. Doctor felt a mass in her abdomen. They took

Everyone who was a fan of that show lmao

I had to have one, once. I had to drink loads and loads of Klean-Prep, which for some unholy reason was vanilla “flavoured”. It’s already salty, vanilla ain’t hiding shit about that taste... it just makes it sooooo much worse, because vanilla does not go with salty-anything. It tasted like vanilla-flavoured sweat. It

I don’t get the fascination about this family. Seriously. Also, I was watching a show talking about the backlash about supermodel Kylie Jenner’s commercial and I thought, Wtf, she is a supermodel?!?! Really?

See, whereas I felt like this gave Kylie way too much credit. Waaaaay too much.

I almost like Bobby’s version of Kylie. Whoever is writing her now needs to find other work.

And why is he carrying his cello around in the march? Just in case there’s an appropriate moment to break out into a cello jam session?

It’s the lack of juice. All these celebs are all about inviting the world in to see their brand of special on reality shows and social media now. There just isn’t an explosive scandal anymore. Like, who didn’t know that Angelina and Brad would eventually fizzle out? Beyonce is having twins. Ok. Big name celebs do that

Is it just me or does gossip seem particularly lifeless post-inauguration? I just don’t give a shit about any of this stuff. Has Trump really drained my joy that much?

I didn’t, but the world will keep poking her right up until the tell-all comes out and she single handedly kills Scientology.

No caffeine after 2 and no booze-it’s a boring life but it works!

This isn’t for everyone (addicts/addictive personalities, of course), but when I go through a bout of serious insomnia, I try to ‘reset’ by taking something to knock me out. Even if it’s a muscle relaxant, xanax, etc. That seems to work for for me, and it only takes one night. Feel free to pile on re: misusing drugs,

I would argue have cleaned my legs. Legs do not require vigorous scrubbing, having 5-10 of hot soapy water running over them is sufficient.

It takes me about 4 minutes and that includes brushing my teeth and peeing. I don’t have a layer of dirt on my legs, hence nothing to wash off.