
Am I getting this right? The regular price for a two-pack is $17.99. So this is a whopping three dollar savings?

Am I getting this right? The regular price for a two-pack is $17.99. So this is a whopping three dollar savings?

That would make much more sense for a dance number. Cowboy hats for all!

While I believe that AbbyLM is a POS, I also believe the producers are collectively a big POS. I remember one episode when she was really upset and they furtively filmed her eating her feelings away in a car. It was such a personal, vulnerable, HUMILATING moment that my heart kinda broke (I’m not a monster) but just

I’m a chronic insomniac. There’s not a lot I wouldn’t do for a good night’s sleep. I figure higher doses of melatonin are much safer than Benadryl or Tylenol PM.

I’ve been debating whether to take melatonin or not, your comment hasn’t convinced me to go buy some.

I got arrested a couple times when I was younger (don’t worry about it) and I remember someone telling me that if they misspelled my name or something I would get off scott-free. I SCOURED THOSE DOCUMENTS trying to find a typo but unfortunately it was all accurate.

Everyone hates on Val Kilmer, but my kids and I loved him in Top Secret and Real Genius, and *sacrilege!* he’s our favorite Batman.

And here are some skinny dress pants for the 10 yr old in question in this story, for a whole $14. It isn’t an impossibility to find decent dress clothes. If you know you are flying regularly, and using the pass, and know the rules, just follow them. It’s not that hard.

But....but.... sexism!

Cargo shorts are allowed as per UA pass travel rules. Pants that are “form fitting/lycra/spandex leggings” are explicitly prohibited. I’m a UA pass rider (and a woman) and I’ve flown non-rev in shorts before. Athletic shorts are a no-no, but khakis or bermuda shorts are a-OK.

If my 10 year old nephew went to the 21 Club to tell Trump to suck it, I would make him put on a jacket. Do you know why, cause it is required - no matter how sexy he is.

Exactly. If we want to have a reasonable discussion about dress codes, the way they are constructed and applied, and the social constructions of dress, I am 100% on board for that. But this is basically a bunch of people shouting about something that is literally written out every time you get a ticket as an employee:

Leggings ban?

I’m with you on this one. There is a time and place for outrage and this is not it.

It has been reported that the passenger was flying on a pass, and was therefore required to adhere to a more formal dress code.

As a child (many years ago) I often had to wear nylons, heels, and a little girl navy suit when traveling non revenue, space available.

Yeah, so employees and their families should dress as befits the standards of the company for whom they are employed, which is also paying for them to fly? QUEL SUPRISE!!!!

Why is this a thing?

This will be on my gravestone.
