
I think that is why getting off opiates is so very difficult- the impossible URGENT feeling. It’s so consuming. It does get a little easier with time, but that initial anxiety is unbearable.

It’s true, it doesn’t matter where you go, your addiction will always be there. That’s the worst part, in my opinion- never being able to get away from it. I would like to have a day in someone else’s skin, a non-addict, just to know what it’s like to be free of addiction and the craving and anxiety.

I’m so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is to get and stay clean- nearly impossible. My advice is to move away, far away from anyone you know who uses. Make it difficult to get, move somewhere where you can’t call someone to hook you up. Find new friends and a new job. It’s crazy to think of doing all of

Oh! Look at her! How do you deal with that sweet face all day?

Uugh I hate that crap. I think I’ll stay away.

Breaking Bad is exceptionally good, but I always use Sopranos as the gold standard.

I haven’t watched “This is Us” (yes I know I’m the only person on earth who hasn’t) but I hadn’t heard it is porn-y.

Where the FUCK is Michael McKean’s nomination??

I think it was confirmed by the publication that it was her. They were able to prove it wasn’t “stolen,” so it was either Ben or someone with access to his phone. I could be remembering wrong.

Wow! That’s beautiful! Very unique, cool touches.

That sounds really cool! I’d love to see what it looks like- do you have any pics? Or pics of something similar?

They really are beyond devastated. The absolute worst was the primal sob the mother let out when the court made the decision. It immediately reduced me to tears.

Are you serious with this? Drug addiction is not a moral failing. I’m shocked at this backward thinking.

Right! I was expecting the age to be 3 or 4. My 4 year old is naked as much as possible. And he yells to me (and the neighborhood) that he’s taking off his underwear. That’s normal silly kid stuff. So when I saw 13... yeah something is up.

HOW DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS??? I’m beyond excited.

I do agree with you to a certain extent, and I said it doesn’t have to be molestation- could be something she’s seen, but this has a bad feel to it and it doesn’t seem to be registering with him as more than a phase. Being naked can be a phase but “hey dad I’m not wearing panties” is not. Something is going on.

Some girls are close with their grandmothers.

There is something more going on here. She’s trying to tell you something. A daughter does not tell her dad she’s not wearing underwear unless something has happened. Maybe not molestation but she’s either seen something she wasn’t meant to see or she’s feeling something that is very confusing for her. This

He wasn’t at all- he created shows that shined a spotlight onto the racists, and made it so we were all laughing at them.

The guys at my work think it smells like sawdust.