
You have a well-behaved child. I have one too, but I also have one who doesn’t listen and pushes boundaries, putting himself in very dangerous situations. I raised them both the same, so it’s just a temperament each was born with. Unless you have a child like that, you really can’t understand.

I hadn’t planned to spank, and that worked just fine with the first kid. youngest ran into the street. He’s a darter, and he wasn’t listening - so I made the decision to spank him. I think (like your dad) that it may be for only life or death situations/lessons.

Can’t believe I’m even admitting this but I say “that wasn’t not funny!” at least once a day in my head. Usually when people are laughing at a joke or some such. I sometimes laugh about something and say it to myself. What’s wrong with me?

This season is just terribly boring. I am thinking it’s time to quit watching.

Toast points for the win.

The taste ruins EVERYTHING it touches.

There is a video out there. DO NOT GOOGLE IT.

She was freaking out and screaming something about “that man touches me there!” Her son and estranged husband were also on the flight. She never explained what she was talking about.

Trust NO ONE at work. Ever. I live by that rule.

She feels bad. She’s trying to minimize in order to make herself feel better. Sadly I’ve been the betrayer. It’s a bad feeling from that end too.

Isn’t he related to that Loeb, as in Leopold and Loeb??

I would watch that EVERY WEEK.

I can smell an air conditioner from down the block.

So you are saying no one reads the New Yorker?

Transfer to Washington. Transfer to Jefferson. No one at Westerberg is going to let you play their reindeer games.

My daydream was always the same - that some day, I was going to get to Chicago, because that’s where they make Dance TV.

Ok not to freak you out (I was constantly freaked out when pregnant) but be careful with the folic acid-

Congratulations!! Even though I was sick as a dog and totally exhausted, I loved being pregnant. Such an exciting time!

This movie is so good!

Don’t despair! My husband supports Trump. We are still a very happy couple. We just agree to disagree and I vote by mail and strategically keep him from voting.