
I don’t think people are asking what to do. I believe people are asking how protesting will help. What will it actually do?

There is a long history of white pot heads.

Ooh thank you!

Do you remember the name of the book?

Frank Ocean is uniquely, genuinely talented. I don’t see any talent with Solange. Her songs are not good and her voice is off. There is no way she would be on that stage if her sis wasn’t Beyoncé.

No she can’t sing. All of her songs are boring.

For as much as Ashton annoys me, I have to admit The Butterfly Effect is really good, I always end up watching it when it’s on tv.

That McDonald’s is so gross.

Can you please stop with the “white bitch” talk? It’s so terribly disrespectful and ignorant, and quite frankly it detracts from your argument. No one takes you seriously if you write like that.

It’s absolutely a disgusting, pathetic way to talk about women. It’s like some people are just waiting to spew this garbage, using “the outrage” as an excuse.

I love that you referenced this. I wish more people were familiar.

I love Tampa ultra! They are the only things that don’t have me nervous and running to the bathroom every hour! Sadly I haven’t been able to find them anywhere lately.

That’s such bullshit! I hate people like that. I would probably say something like, “oh I would love to do this but our computer system automatically shuts down 5 minutes after closing! Can you believe it? It’s crazy, something to do with accounting... anyway I wish I could help but my hands are tied!”

That’s great!

If you don’t mind my asking, do you feel any kind of energy boost? Or just basically feeling ok? I’ve heard great things about lexapro.

Wait- are you taking about this “rape?”

He is THE BEST part (of anything he is in)!

Thank you! I specifically avoided shopping there because of the name!

Sweet! It’s only 2 blocks from my friend’s house.. Thanks for the info.

What bar is this??