Who cares if they are a right? If you want to ruin lives (as seriously impairing chances of college) to teach them good decision making you are in the wrong.
Who cares if they are a right? If you want to ruin lives (as seriously impairing chances of college) to teach them good decision making you are in the wrong.
Yeah, having fun is totally allowed when you’re both in on the joke.
Not only that, most insurances dont do shit until you hit your deductible too. So basically you are paying hundreds of dollars a month for insurance that doesnt do shit until you spend thousands of dollars out of pocket to hit your deductible
Remember when Paul Ryan held a press conference to explain why government run health insurance is bad because it would pool money from healthy people and use that money to pay for sick people as if that wasn't exactly how private health insurance currently works?
This response is really a killer:
This is unfair and, frankly, a gross misrepresentation of omission of the Republican platform. I know this place is a liberal echo chamber, but that doesn’t mean you can just misrepresent the conservative platform by leaving off *the* key part that makes it redeemable in the eyes of many Americans:
No, you’re thinking of a ‘dutch oven’.
...he said in his attempt to gaslight everyone.
“Landis’ career was not significantly affected by the incident, although he said in 1996: “There was absolutely no good aspect about this whole story. The tragedy, which I think about every day, had an enormous impact on my career, from which it may possibly never recover.”
as someone who was raised in a super-controlling household, allow me to say: do not raise your kids in a super-controlling household.
Multi-part tweet...I’m not going to hog up the whole space for it here, but do click on it to see the whole thing:
“How do I prepare my own kids for recognizing toxic people”
It shows how lonely the sahp/wahp life is...I read “You have to trap them in a room full of people and serve lots of cheap wine.” and my first thought was “I’d buy anything to be in a room full of people with cheap wine right now.”
And that is why these are such horribly businesses. They get the vulnerable and they…
One of the few guys that I’ve slept with gently tried to push my head down toward his crotch. I literally said “are you fucking kidding me?” and then left. Apparently, I’m a ‘blue balling bitch who can’t take a joke’.
He could hire someone else to do the fucking while he laid there.
Garlic powder is terrible for a lot of things.
I will submit that every mans favorite song is that song that was popular that one summer he thought he was hot. Most likely he remembers looking at himself dancing to it in the mirror. If that was true of anyone, the Sex with him is just helping him flag it to his own self importance. Probably doesn’t know what he’s…
Arugula is my favorite, I eat handfuls of it straight out of the bag. Mmm.